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O.K. today you will learn. So that tomorrow YOU can teach this class. Do you have your pencils ready? Every Question here is Multiple choice. Take your time and pick the best answer for each Question. Pay attention! There will be Pop Quiz on this test later!
1) Why don't polish women use vibrators?
A. It chips their teeth.
B. Pick A
C. Pick A
2) How do you sink a polish battleship?
A. Pick B
B. Put it in water.
C. Pick
3) Why wasn't Christ born in Poland?
A. Because they couldn't find three wise men and a virgin.
B. Pick A
C. Pick A
4) How do you get a one-armed Pollock out of a tree?
A. Pick C
B. Pick C
C. Wave to him.
5) How did the Germans invade Poland ?
A. They marched in backwards and the Polish thought they were leaving.
B. Pick A
C. Pick A
6)Why do Polish police cars have stripes on the side?
A. So the cops can find the handles.
B. Pick A
C. Pick A
7)How do you tell which is the Groom at a Polish wedding?
A. Pick C
B. Pick C
C. He's the one with the CLEAN bowling shirt.
8)How do you stop a Polish army on horseback?
A. Pick B
B. Turn off the carousel.
C. Pick B
9) How many Pollocks does it take to change a light bulb?
A. 3, One to stand on a chair and hold the bulb and the other two to
spin the chair. OR 100,001, One to hold the bulb and the other 100,000 to spin the house.
B. Pick A
C. Pick A
10) What do you do if a Pollock throws a pin at you?
A. Pick B
B. Run like hell - he's still got a hand-grenade between his teeth.
C. Pick B
11) What do you do if a Pollock throws a hand-grenade at you?
A. Take the pin out and throw it back.
B. Pick A
C. Pick A
12) Who wears a dirty white robe and rides a pig?
A. Pick B
B. Lawrence of Poland.
C. Pick B
13) How do Pollocks know which way to put their underwear on?
A. Yellow in the front, Brown in the back!
B. Pick A
C. Pick A
14) How do you know you're flying over Poland?
A. Pick C
B. Pick C
C. Toilet paper hanging on the clotheslines.
15) Do you know why the new football stadium they built in Warsaw could
not be used?
A. Pick B
B. No matter where you sat you were behind a Pole.
C. Pick B
16) Why do Polish names end in "ski" ?
A. Because they can't spell toboggan.
B. Pick A
C. Pick A
17) Do you know why Polish Submarines always sink?
A. They have Screen doors!
B. Pick A
C. Pick A
18) Why do Pollocks hate dogs?
A. Pick C
B. Pick C
C. Because dogs always pee on Poles.
19) What's the motto of the Polish Solidarity Union?
A. Every man for himself.
B. Pick A
C. Pick A
20) How do you get a Pollock out of the bath tub?
A. Pick B
B. Throw in a bar of soap.
C. Pick B
21) What's delaying the Polish space program?
A. Development of a working match.
B. Pick A
C. Pick A
22) Why do Polish dogs have flat noses?
A. Pick B
B. From chasing parked cars.
C. Pick B
23) What do you get when you cross a 1-legged Pollock with a Mongoloid?
A. A Polaroid One Step.
B. Pick A
C. Pick A
24) How do you confuse a Pollock?
A. Pick C
B. Pick C
C. Put him in a round room and tell him there is a penny in the corner.
25) How do you keep a Pollock in suspense?
26) What happens when a Pollock doesn't pay his garbage bill?
A. They stop delivering.
B. Pick A
C. Pick A
27) How do you ruin a Polish party?
A. Pick C
B. Pick C
C. Flush the punch bowl.
28) What does a Pollock give his wife that’s long and hard on her wedding night?
A. A new last name.
B. Pick A
C. Pick A
29) What happened to the Polish National Library?
A. Pick B
B. Someone stole the book.
C. Pick B
30) Why did the Polish couple decide to have only 4 children?
A. They'd read in the newspaper that one out of every five babies
born in the world today is Chinese.
B. Pick A
C. Pick A
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OK you can take a break now but don't be asking for help on part 2 of this test.
Ready? Let's go!