What IS Fear?

 What IS Fear, anyway!? As I see it, it’s just the most common human reaction to an issue or situation placed before a person that’s new or unknown. Fearing something will not make it go away or easier to cope with. What ever is going to happen will happen so why be afraid? When fear strikes, your mind goes blank or starts making decisions that will make the “Whatever” thing that is going on be a worse, since it’s just a reaction to an action. But so is confidence and positivity and embracing and surprise and ….. OK you get the idea. More often than not, if you confront the fear before you, it does go away and usually turns positive. It ultimately becomes what ever we feed it. Fear is a negative, and unfortunately in today’s society, negative thinking is the number one feeling and emotion. Sad but true. Only you can change that. The first step is to realize YOUR life is YOUR life and not what someone else is telling you that it is. Take it from me, from an EARLY ASS time in my life I was told how my life would be and to get used to it and just be happy with it. As the years went on I learned and watched other’s. They were breaking the rules, doing what they wanted in a positive way and helping turn other people’s lives around at the same time. I knew that’s what I wanted to do. So, I had to break the chains that held me. It was a belief I learned as a child and so it wasn’t going to be easy to do.

        No matter how many times I fell, I got back up and faced it head on. Sometimes that means cutting loose people you may have known for 10, 20 or even 30 years because the negativity is killing you. Negativity comes in many forms, not just cut downs or failures. Negative can be from someone close to you that claims to have only the best of interest in your future…… yeah, as long as it conforms to their belief as they see it. But even the best of intentions can come with a price tag you don’t need to be paying. Wish them well and move on. I have a few like that that I’ve had to walk away from while keeping them in my heart as a friend or family member that is and always will be a part of life’s journey. So many people won’t understand any of this and that’s OK, it takes time. Nothing Awesome happens overnight but one night it will happen. You’ll wake up and realize all this banging your head on the wall is what causing that headache and not your job, family, friends. The wall is from listening to everyone and believing they know better than you about how to run your life and what to do. Sure, take their advice, but not as gospel. Take it all as you would when you go shopping for something. You look around see what’s out there, look at the choices and pick what YOU want, not what someone told you to pick.

       Friends and family advise is exactly like that. Pick and choose what will make your journey of life be what you want it to be, don’t be afraid. Remember, fear is just a reaction and where most all bad choices are born. Now there is a difference between fear and being careful about something new to you and that’s OK. Being careful allows your mind to think clearly and choose hopefully the right path or plan of action to take. Fear just makes it all seem dark and let’s us miss out sometimes on something that would have been Awesome! So what’s it going to be? Fear the unknown and run or Embrace what’s put before you and live a life you want to live?




Remember to drop me line with any questions, ideas or if you need help with anything. And also, if you would like to help people like I do, let me know and let’s talk. I’m always looking to build my team! HK3Fitness@gmail.com 



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Anyone Out There?

     Blogs are supposed to be informative and or contain something people want to read about. Perhaps a blog is really just a social media Diary. Everything now days is on the internet for all to see and people love drama because it takes their mind off of their problems and or makes their problems not seem so bad. I’ve been told the best way to write is to do it like no one is watching or reading it and it’s all just your private thoughts in your private head dancing away to a song only you hear. Well that’s easy for me since I don’t believe anyone is reading any of this yet at all. Perhaps one day someone will find this blog and tell someone else and so on and so on and before you know it I’m an over night world wide celebrity of sorts. Yeah, I’m laughing too on that one. As you can tell I’m just talking tonight, nothing real deep or mind blowing or helpful to any one’s life’s issues. I just wanted to keep it light this time and carry on. Proving a the point that THOUSANDS of people I don’t know are reading my stuff, but finding it too boring to comment, is just plain ridicules.  

      People can’t help but to comment on stuff. It’s in everyone nature to do so. Some can control it and just watch as life goes by but so many more now days just Have To say something giving their two cents worth like they know it all and need to set the world right. So, to believe that there are that many people seeing what I write and NOT comment in some way or another, good or bad, I would have a better chance wining the Lotto! Don’t get me wrong, maybe I am that boring and uninteresting. Maybe I should write my life’s story here and give details of a childhood filled with stuff you only see in the movies with its twists and turns in a dark place of the mind that becomes a child’s only friend in a world that has no meaning to him really. Hmm, Then I’d get readers I’ll bet. Or just keep it to fitness and talk about my thoughts about that part of my life’s journey. Or maybe combine the two together talking about how fitness helps me get through the day with minimal thoughts of a negative past that I’m doing all I can to turn around and make something positive for a future. Being this close to 60 though, my future is not that long really, I guess. So, I’ll do a lot of “Old Guy” rambling here…… LOL!

       So just tell me what all you thousands of people out there reading this want to hear about. I’m an open book so let’s start a reading club! Tomorrow’s blog is going to be a bout fear and what I think about it. Hope to see you there. In the meantime, have a great life and remember it IS what you make it and NOT what someone makes it for you. It’s the main thing I’ve learned in life and now I’m passing it on to you all! Enjoy!


Remember to drop me line with any questions, ideas or if you need help with anything. And also, if you would like to help people like I do, let me know and let’s talk. I’m always looking to build my team! HK3Fitness@gmail.com 



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What is it to Fail?

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        Sooooo many people on Facebook have been posting about if you don’t fail you’re not doing what it takes to succeed. And Feeling the need to Purge from within to tell of their failures in order to feel better about themselves. Also, that we should welcome stories from others about failing so we can learn from them as well, because after all, “We can’t grow if we don’t Fail!” So, after shaking my head a bit, I totally have to say something about all that,,,,,

       First off, I don’t think a lot of people really know what FAILURE is all about. It’s not that you HAVE Fail to be successful, rather that Failure DOES happen and when it does we should be OK with it and learn so we can be better. So, when someone says “If you don’t Fail you are not doing what it takes to Succeed” That is totally an false statement. For example: Tony Horton came up  P90X. Did it Fail right off?  No, it was a HUGE Success right out of the gate. Another Example: Changing my first ever water pump on my car. I paid attention to how everything came off and then replaced the old part with a new one, put it all back together in reverse of how I took it all off. Started up the car and it ran like new. No Leaks, no overheating, no parts left over (gee what was this bolt for again? LOL!) it was a Success not a failure, First time. So, without failing first, these two things WERE done successfully. But as I already stated, the way some are looking at it, as I have read on Facebook and other media sources, “If you don’t fail you can’t Succeed”. Hmm, that would mean, P90X and my water pump change out should NOT be looked at as a success at all. Why? Because the statement made was “If you don’t Fail you are not doing what it takes to Succeed”. And as I have pointed out, a person does not have to fail first before they can be successful at something. That just doesn’t make sense on any level.

          If you set out to and look forward to failure so you can succeed, you will never succeed. You have already given in to the belief that what you are doing won’t work. So really, why bother then, because at what point WOULD you think “This is it! I got this!”?  If when you do something you expect it fail? Nothing you do STARTS as a Failure. It starts as a Success because your mind already sees what you are going for. It’s the end result that sometimes throws us a curve ball and we must try again because it failed. Now if you don’t even try something then you didn’t really fail, you did nothing to fail at. You also didn’t succeed because you did nothing to succeed at.  So, you did, nothing! And actually that’s worse than failing. Take doing a workout for example, if you start but not finish then you failed doing it. But if you never even tried to do the workout then you didn’t fail, or succeed, you did nothing.  However, if you promised to do the workout but didn’t, then you failed. This is because you set the task of doing the workout and didn’t. So you actually failed the task, but not the workout. Confused? Well, basically, a failure is when a person doesn’t follow through on something they stated they would do or what they did try didn’t work out the way it was intended. But no one sets out in hopes to fail!

       Throughout history people have looked at failure as a thing of shame and embarrassment. The Wright Brothers were look at as being an embarrassment and people laughed at them. But they knew, even then, that failure meant simply “Let’s take what was learned and try again.” They certainly were not looking forward to failing. That’s the concept that should be looked at today.  Like the Wright Brothers, if you fail, that’s OK, just try again from what you learned. After all what IS Fail, F. A. I. L.?  It could really mean, “From All I Learned”. So take ALL you learned and from that you will succeed. Keeping this in mind, take another look at that word again, F A I L and remember what you learned about it. You changed that failure to a success because you learned from it. Since the letter F is considered a failing grade and you now have a success, let’s add the S in place of the F. Now you have, SAIL, as in smooth sailing, its all good, you did it, and you’re on your way. So now the word could mean, “Success As I Learned”.

        Also, as there is no shame in failing, there is no shame in not running to tell everyone openly that you failed at something. If asked, don’t be afraid to say how it went but to feel like you NEED to tell it all and purge from within to feel better, you’re not getting the point of how to handle failure. It isn’t any great catharsis or inner growth for well being by “Coming Clean” as some people put it. Openly admitting that you failed at something you tried doesn’t really prove your point that you are just a regular person, doing things like everyone else and you’re not perfect. In fact, if you have to point that out, then you actually do see yourself as above others but don’t want them to see you that way in hopes to make them feel better about themselves. There really is no Person above another in life, everyone is AMAZING in their own way.  A person confessing their failures in hopes to achieve that, sounds kind of fake. Example: Does a person go around stating they are a Man or Woman or that they have Bones and Blood in their bodies to prove they are like everyone else? No, no one does that. So why point out or make it a goal to feel you have to come clean and tell all about your every move to prove you are like everyone else? People already know what type of person you are no matter what you may proclaim. Everyone has their Haters and Likers, both will make you a better person if you look at it with an open mind. In closing, just Remember the Beachbody MOTTO::: Decide ~ Commit ~ Succeed !!!! It Doesn’t say Fail.


Remember to drop me line with any questions, ideas or if you need help with anything. And also, if you would like to help people like I do, let me know and let’s talk. I’m always looking to build my team! HK3Fitness@gmail.com 



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Not Just Fitness


        Life is not just about fitness and nutrition. It’s about family as well and being positive. I gotta tell ya, family is NOT always blood related. Family can be close friends as well or even a group you belong to. As for me, I have family out there, but they’ve shut me out for years now. I’ve tried but no response in a positive way. I honestly don’t even know what I did but they say I’m the one who slammed the door…. Whaaaat!!???  So, for me, Family is Beachbody! I’ve learned the importance from them of maintaining as positive of a life as I can. I’m not always UP, but I do what I can and deal with what’s in front of me.

       Negative to me is just another word for wasting time. When you figure all the time you spend being upset or ticked off about something and not doing anything about it, you could have used that same amount of time to solve or correct what ever the issue was. Oh, I get mad at times, but I do what I can to put the brakes on to review and really look at what I’m upset about. If it’s something that can be dealt with and corrected, then great! Other wise it’s left at the wayside and I continue on. Sometimes easier said than done, I know, but none the less it’s what we all need to do. On the flip side of that, I’m all about the positive in life but negativity is what makes us grow and learn as I see it. It’s needed emotion. Diversity is another word use for that as well. I can already feel some of you are shaking your head and rolling your eyes but negativity is needed in everyone’s life in order to grow. Come on, if every day and everything in your life were 100% positive, what did you learn? How did you grow? Hmm, kind of a deep thought I guess but when you think about it, it’s true, really true!

      So, negativity, though a waste of your time to dwell on, is also a stepping stone to learning and seeing more clearly. Thus, you turn it to a positive.  That’s what I’ve had to do with my family issue. I try hard not to dwell on it but instead, learn. Yes, I said learn from it. It’s not something I can change or go back and redo since I don’t know what I did in the first place, but I can do my best to treat others in a way unlike how I am treated. Everyone has their own little quirks and things we don’t agree with but all in all that’s what makes them unique or special. If there’s too much of a difference, then simply wish them well and move on, even if it’s blood family. There are MILLIONS of people out there. Why waste so much time on those that you have nothing in common with and only bring you down? It’s like you go out to dinner and you see 10 things to eat, not all of them are what you like. Are you going to settle for what’s closer even though you don’t care for it, or walk a few steps and have something that makes you happy and feel good? I’m going to go into this a little more with my next blog and dig into “Success & Failure” what it is and isn’t. I hope this blog made you think a little and I hope to hear from you soon!


Remember to drop me line with any questions, ideas or if you need help with anything. And, if you would like to help people like I do, let me know and let’s talk. I’m always looking to build my team! HK3Fitness@gmail.com 



#fitness #Fun #foodporn #journey #workout #Beachbody #coach #Financial #business #Health #healthy #nutrition #shakeology #family #challenge #beast #p90x #MLM #mlm #opportunity #group #beachbodycoach #future #muscle #weightloss #strength #energy #BOD

Holiday Test Time Is Here!

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      It’s here folks! The first week of testing to get your mind straight, your portion control in order and willpower placed in check. Most will see this as the beginning of the end as for their weight. After all, that’s what ‘New Year’s” is all about , the Resolution! Sort of like the Resolution of the Revolution in you newly found fitter life style. Sounds good in theory but to really be able to make it to a new, healthier lifestyle is to grab hold from the start. Thus, Thanksgiving is Test Week! You make it through this week without gaining weight or passing out from that food coma you worked so hard on, then you can and WILL get through the Holidays with flying colors “A+”!

     Like I’ve said before, eat slower, use a smaller plate. I’d like to add in that eating colder foods will also help in being able to cut down. The stomach needs to maintain a constant temp to digest properly. It will expand and contract to do this. Warm or hot foods will cause the stomach to relax, causing it to allow more food in before it’s to the point of not being able to eat any more. Cold food will cause the opposite effect making the stomach stay tight and not relax out. This will restrict the amount of the food you can eat before you get that can’t eat another bite feeling. I’m not saying don’t ever eat hot food, just make a balance of hot & cold, leaning more towards the cold side and you’ll see results.

      Good luck on your test and Have an Awesome Thanksgiving! Let me know how you did.

Remember to drop me line with any questions, ideas or if you need help with anything. And also, if you would like to help people like I do, let me know and let’s talk. I’m always looking to build my team! HK3Fitness@gmail.com 



#fitness #Fun #foodporn #journey #workout #Beachbody #coach #Financial #business #Health #healthy #nutrition #shakeology #family #challenge #beast #p90x #MLM #mlm #opportunity #group #beachbodycoach #future #muscle #weightloss #strength #energy #BOD

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Portion Control

[spacer height=”5px”]       Portion control is like a foreign word to most. To really put it to the test, go to your favorite All You Can Eat Buffet. If you don’t have one, then just pick one and go to it. All that food laid out there like a call of the wild filling your senses with a cornucopia of foods stretched out before you. How do you think you’ll do? It’s really a mind over matter type of thing where you need to fool your brain. Use a smaller plate when eating and fill it like you would a larger plate, right to the rim! Your mind feels it’s getting a lot of food and will feel like it’s a lot when you eat it. Best part of this is, is that you are eating less food and thus, losing a few pounds is now in your future. A key point here is to also slow down your eating time and make it last, making your body feel like you’re eating as much as you used to.

      To explain that time thing, read on. You know how when enjoying your meal, you take that “Last Bite”, the one that makes you feel suddenly like a beached whale and your stomach is stretched out beyond the size of your pants? That’s because you ate too much too fast. So, slow it down and change the amount. It takes 20 min. for your brain to get the message that there’s food in your stomach. Now, that last bite that was too much? It was the last several bites that was too much. This is the reason that feeling hits you like a brick.

Wanna know more? There’s plenty coming so stay tuned and come on back! Remember, I’d love to hear from you HK3Fitness@gmail.com


#fitness #Fun #foodporn #journey #workout #Beachbody #coach #Financial #business #Health #healthy #nutrition #shakeology #family #challenge #beast #p90x #MLM #mlm #opportunity #group #beachbodycoach #future #muscle #weightloss #strength #energy #BOD


First Official Blog Post

         Well, I have decided to leave the early stages of this blog for all to see and perhaps get a little laugh. I’m going to start now instead of waiting till I have perfected Blogging Abilities. Waiting is just another word for putting off and putting off is usually due to fear of something new. And Fear is why we make so many excuses as to why something isn’t done! This is the number one thing society does now days and as for me, I’m putting the breaks on! So, let’s start this blog that will be about fitness with this opening Blog.

         As I see it, Fitness isn’t just about physical but also about mental and yes spiritual as well. All 3 areas will be more than just touched on through the days ahead. In a way I’m going blind here writing a blog, but “I will learn as I grow and grow as I learn!” I hope everyone reading my posts will follow and find insight into themselves and create a better life for themselves. After all, that’s what life is all about, Creating a better pathway for yourself. Thus, I want to do all I can to help anyone that is in need and wants to put an end to what they are stuck in and really live the way life was meant to be.

         Feel free to contact me any time with questions or suggestions at HK3Fitness@gmail.com[spacer height=”20px”]


Now all I have to do is get cleaned up a bit, perhaps change the theme so it’s easier to see stuff and read. Anyone with a blog right now that want’s to give some advice would be more than welcome to do so. Some of the previous blogs will go away after a bit, or should I keep them for the memory of learning as I go? Next step to figure out?????? Publishing it for the WORLD to see! Gotta build that audience now,,,,, This should be interesting for sure. 

Almost ready to Blog

One More Step To go

[spacer height="20px"]I think the next step is to start seeing what the Blog will be about. I have so many ideas of what I want to say so here's where talking with people will help me see what's wanted. Do I make this a straight up fitness only ?Fitness and nutrition? Perhaps a nightmarish collision of thoughts and random statements jumping from comical to WTF? Hmm, good question. Will it be about my past and how I've learned life lessons BEFORE there was an internet? Do I talk about the present or maybe what I envision my future to be? Perhaps even make it an "Ask Manlanders" thing, LOL! If you watch GH you know what I'm talking about. The thoughts and ideas are endless. Videos are a must to be added here and there, don't ya think? What to do, what to do!? The main thing is I know I'm going to have fun with all this and getting my thoughts and opinions out there and interact with the WORLD! [spacer height="20px"]


side note:: I need to find a way to change up the boarder fonts