First Official Blog Post

         Well, I have decided to leave the early stages of this blog for all to see and perhaps get a little laugh. I’m going to start now instead of waiting till I have perfected Blogging Abilities. Waiting is just another word for putting off and putting off is usually due to fear of something new. And Fear is why we make so many excuses as to why something isn’t done! This is the number one thing society does now days and as for me, I’m putting the breaks on! So, let’s start this blog that will be about fitness with this opening Blog.

         As I see it, Fitness isn’t just about physical but also about mental and yes spiritual as well. All 3 areas will be more than just touched on through the days ahead. In a way I’m going blind here writing a blog, but “I will learn as I grow and grow as I learn!” I hope everyone reading my posts will follow and find insight into themselves and create a better life for themselves. After all, that’s what life is all about, Creating a better pathway for yourself. Thus, I want to do all I can to help anyone that is in need and wants to put an end to what they are stuck in and really live the way life was meant to be.

         Feel free to contact me any time with questions or suggestions at[spacer height=”20px”]