From day one when you were born, you were making choices. What most don’t know or even realize, is there are 3 levels of choices we all make on a daily basis. The levels are Good, Bad & Sub-conscious, The Sub-conscious ones are the most dangerous because we don’t even know they are happening. It’s our brain on auto response based on past decisions. The Good ones can also be Bad ones when it’s looked at long term. What our life is today is a direct result of those choices we’ve made through our life like it or not. I know, you’re thinking, I didn’t Choose to be in an accident, or be overweight or out of shape or …. OK, OK let’s focus for a minute and look at this. Did you think about that double burger with cheese and large fries before you ate it as in long term? No, you didn’t. Now you are overweight. You didn’t choose to be un-fit but you did choose to watch TV, play video games, lay around. Sound familiar? Not many at all really think of the long-term effects of making a choice in life. Remember, for every action there is a reaction. You can’t get away from it or around it.
Most will point the ever so popular and guilt relieving, finger of blame and make excuses as to why their life sucks or isn’t what they dream of. Truth is, you made it what it is in more ways than you are willing to admit. But oh no, society has made it impossible to get ahead or be all you can be and make your dreams come true. That is the most popular mindset on this matter. You must realize that it’s not just one choice that made this life you are living, it’s a multitude of choices throughout your life that has you where you are today. We ALL start out the same, naked and kicking a screaming. You can let society dictate your choices as you go through life or make your own. Either way, they were your choices to make. Looking for blame about your life only wastes time looking for the easy answer to your problems or situation. Claiming or feeling you had no control of what’s going on is only the reality of the choices made back in your past. No one wants to believe they made a single bad choice let alone several. So, let’s get that finger pointing and take away our inner feeling of failing. It’s not your fault, right!?
But, how do you know if it’s a good bad or sub-conscious one? All you have to do is think about it. When you react without thinking, that’s your Sub-conscious working. And yes, you can sort of program how your sub-conscious makes those choices. So, the Good ones or Bad ones? That’s where it gets tricky and you’ll have to use your brain a little on those because all choices have their good and bad sides. You just need to project a little and see what will work for you. And yes, even the best laid plans can go bust do to unforeseen circumstances. But, here’s the beauty of it, you can choose what do next. Oh, and surprise, NOT doing anything? Was your choice. Let’s explore and try to understand the 3 levels of making a choice in your life.
We’ll leave the mystery one for last and start with the “Good Ones” What are Good Ones? Good ones are the ones you either thought your way through by running the what if factor or scenarios of what could happen later. Let’s take that burger for example. You chose to have it, not thinking about the after effect of what your body will do with it. But when you do think about it first and realize this choice will lead to being overweight so you don’t have it. That’s making a good decision. I hear you. “But if I just do that once in a while and not all the time, I’ll be OK. So, having that burger is NOT a bad choice.” True! However, what you just did was make a GOOD choice by not having one every day since you thought about it and see how it can be not so productive for your over all weight to keep eating them all the time. Like I said in the beginning, any choice can be good or bad depending how you make them.
Now, a Bad Choice? We sort of hit on that talking about the Good Ones but let’s get a little more detailed here. This one is the most abused reason for things not going the way you wanted them to. I had no control, I didn’t know that was going to happen, Others did it, they started it, ego, peer pressure, self-gratification, poor planning, listening to others, following a lead blindly, the list goes on and on. You can see by those examples what else could cause a Bad Choice, how may more can you think of? A Bad Choice is simply when you do something with full awareness and either not thinking it through or just plain not caring about the effect. Why would someone make a bad choice to begin with? It all stems from not thinking and acting first. Bottom line, the definition of a Bad Choice is “NOT seeing the big picture”, I’m sure you’ve that term before.
On to the Mystery one, the “Sub-conscious” one. It’s a mystery because it’s both good and bad at the same time. Your sub-conscious will not lie or do anything it doesn’t want to. Yet you can control it by making good choices throughout your life thus causing the sub-conscious effect to be positive. Did I lose you on that one? It’s just all the things you have programmed in over the years building your auto pilot actions. Here’s an example, a great friend or loved one is in trouble or hurt, your brain runs a million scenarios choosing the best action to take and then you react. You didn’t think about it, visualize the what if’s or long term. You simply reacted by making a sub-conscious choice to do so. To close for now because I know this one was a long one, but that was my choice to make it that way, I just want to end with saying to you that the end result of ANY action was the direct result of your choice or choices as to the final outcome. Believe it or not you have more power over your life than you may believe. So strt Thinking before you start Sinking. Choose Wisely My Friend!
Remember to drop me line with any questions, ideas or if you need help with anything. And also, if you would like to help people like I do, let me know and let’s talk. I’m always looking to build my team!
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