Good for One but not the Other!?

     Throughout time and recorded in history, there’s always been that one-way street type of thinking and it really needs to stop. What I’m talking about for example is when a person comments, like on social media saying , “WOW you look really HOT like that!” and the response back is “Oh, Thanks!” a few days later another person says the same thing, “WOW, you look really HOT like that!” This time, the response is “I don’t like that comment, it was improper! I’m married and don’t like pervs looking at me like that!” Why was it OK for the person to say that and not another? NO one really has an answer to that. I’ll bet if the other person was good looking there would have been no negative response only a smile. Now, if you keep track you’ll see some other interesting conditions, such as, have you ever seen or heard about a Sexual Harassment charge between 2 people that find each other attractive? It’s amazing the double standard we put on our lives making it OK for THIS person to say something but not THAT one!

     Another example of this that I have firsthand experience with, more than once, is if a married guy starts talking to a woman and they hit it off enjoying each other’s company, even though no mention of a hotel was brought up, or even joking about anything doing with sex, once the lady finds he’s married, the attitude changes and he’s a piece a crapp out for just one thing! Men are all a like! Then threaten to find his wife and tell her. Yet, reverse that and have a married lady talk to a guy, that’s OK!? They justify this when asked by saying, “Well I KNOW I’m not going to do anything!” Double standards are everywhere and should be Nowhere! Let’s not stop with just words. If you dress a certain way, showing off your fine body and you seem to have a lot of chest showing or something, why call someone a pervert and get all upset because they noticed?

     My point on this subject is that Life is too short, we should enjoy and not destroy our lives and the lives of others. People tend to criticize or scrutinize things way to much. Living on a one-way street type of thinking. We are all we have and we’re in this together.


Remember to drop me line with any questions, ideas or if you need help with anything. And also, if you would like to help people like I do, let me know and let’s talk. I’m always looking to build my team! 



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