What is a Word!?

        An age-old question I’m sure. OK Maybe not. But really, ask yourself, What IS A Word? Think about it. A single word can change a person’s life! It can cause them to go to a dark place and end it all or soar above the clouds to success. And I must ask, Why? A word is nothing more than a sound. A sound that from day one of our lives has come to have meaning. A sound that makes us laugh, cry, communicate and so on. How many times have you heard a nose and said to yourself or perhaps someone standing by you “Wow it sounded like that car just said Potatoes! “ or something like that? Sounds are sounds, and words are just that, a sound. Point in case, listen to a foreign language you Don’t Know, and what does it mean to you? It means nothing, it’s just a sound someone is making. These sounds or Words, have no true meaning or power on their own. A word only has the power YOU give it. Your reaction is what YOU allow it to be. A word cannot hurt you unless you let it. Lately people have been twisting words and their definitions to give it the power to do their bidding. It’s like if you hear someone telling a joke and they drop the “F” bomb, you may get upset but you may laugh as well. You probably will get mad though, why? Because you were taught that it was a bad word and should never be used. Another example would be you can say Poop on TV but not the “S” word… a word is a word no matter what.

     So let’s keep that in mind and think of all the times someone said something to you that made you upset, mad, frustrated, stressed and how could you of turned that around. Remember you make the word what it is, NOT the other way around. A word can be like a double edge sword and cut through you like butter or the same word can also be like a feather and tickle you silly. Knowing this, why then get upset when someone says something to you? That old saying, “Sticks and stones can break my bones but Words will never harm me” has a lot of truth to it. But that’s just a a childish little saying? I think not. I said once before, life is what you feed it and I’m adding to that, “Words are the plate it’s served on.” Meaning to feed positive you need to take the power of the words away and turn them to be what you want them to be, harmless sounds that will not break you. Roundabout way of looking at this is if you take away the power and make them harmless then they can’t hurt you. So why the fuss?  It’s all in how you look at it really. And speaking of how you look at things, I want to leave you with this little thought from my observation of just 3, little words, that no matter who says them or how, they have a lot of power,


Those 3 Little Words


It’s amazing how 3 little words can mean so much,

Especially when you say them with a caring touch,

These 3 little words will make any woman smile,

No matter how they’re said and no matter the style,

From Early morning, afternoon and even in bed,

These words are forever going through a woman’s head,


And yes us men don’t always say it,

But You know we always mean it,

And we too like to hear those same little words,

We’re not ALL just a bunch of old turds,

You women expect us to always say it, actually you demand,

Wanting us men to shout it out all across the land,


But in our defense I would like to say,

We’d like to hear it to each and every day,

Yet a man rarely ever hears them if at all,

No matter even if we do it all,

Please won’t you just say them even late at night?

While we hold you close and gentle and tight?


So why won’t you women say it, while keeping a straight face?,

We want to hear it so bad that we’re sending men into outer space,

Just look into our eyes and please don’t start a fight,

Would it really KILL you,

To say those 3 little words “You Are Right” ?

Author: The PolishPoet


Remember to drop me line with any questions, ideas or if you need help with anything. And also, if you would like to help people like I do, let me know and let’s talk. I’m always looking to build my team! HK3Fitness@gmail.com 



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