Being A Leader



        So now some ramblings on from an old guy about leadership. When being a leader you must show that you are also just like they are, not better, but the same. Basically, treat them the way you would want to be treated.  In Beachbody, a person can get to Diamond level, but, does that make them a leader? Nope, it only means they know how to talk to people and get them to sign up. This type of advancement usually doesn’t last long nor allow for that person to really be all they can be and truly help those that want it. A lot of people can bark out orders and get others to submit but a true leader has a team that is like family.  It sort of takes away from being a diamond.

         The saying that 20% will do 80% of the business in your team is so true. Studies have shown that when an idea or plan is showed to 100 people, at least 6 of them will take it and run with it like crazy. A leader can spot those and tune into them, being there for whatever they need. A leader thinks of the team first and themselves second. A true leader will never be heard saying do as I say and not as I do. You should always set by example, never asking your team do more than you are will do yourself.  Organizing is also a big issue as a leader. If you’re not organized chances are you won’t really know what your team is doing, thus, how can you help them grow into leaders themselves? When organized you will always have that edge to see what is happening and direct it in a positive way.

             Another main building block in being a successful team leader is Honesty. Don’t say something just cuz it sounds good or it’s what you feel someone wants to hear. Don’t be afraid to take that step and be open with your statements. Getting to really know your team one on one is ever so important. Making them feel like an individual that you care about will also help them be a team player, helping to set good examples to the others. It’s been proven time after time that If they feel like no one cares about them, odds are they won’t care about anyone either, no team work or development is going happen there. Individuality is what actually causes great groups to form. Sounds like double talk but it is so very true. Be each person feeling like and individual who’s input is genuinely appreciated and developed, the team then as a whole will come together and achieve some really amazing thing. Now, I don’t have ALL the answers, but I do watch and learn and see what works and doesn’t work and always glad to share that with anyone. I’ve gone through many years of trial and error, so I do know firsthand what I’m saying here. Because as a general rule of human nature, would you follow a person who hasn’t a clue of what lies ahead OR would you follow a person who’s been there done that and is proof it works?


Remember to drop me line with any questions, ideas, or if you need help with anything. Also, if you would like to help people like I do, let me know and let’s talk. I’m always looking to build my team!

E-mail :: 

Facebook :: Harold Krueger

Instagram :: MonteP90X



#fitness #Fun #foodporn #journey #workout #Beachbody #coach #Financial #business #Health #healthy #nutrition #shakeology #family #challenge #beast #p90x #MLM #mlm #opportunity #group #beachbodycoach #future #muscle #weightloss #strength #energy #BOD

An Ocean Cruise and Beyond



        Even though the weather was not that great on the cruise with all the rain and high waves, the endless food supply was Awesome to say the least. There were more than 12 different tables of food for breakfast, then lunch and then dinner. OMG I was like in hog heaven with the ALL YOU CAN EAT thing going on. We went to a few ports, Camen Islands, Cosomel area. I did think I was being careful with all my eating and drinking BUT, with no workouts, by the time I got off the ship I now tipped the scale at 286bls! Yes, I started to cry. What did I just do? I’m only 20 pounds from being back at the 310 range. I quickly changed up my nutrition and completed the 21 day Ultimate Reset as soon as I was back at home. No work outs are allowed during this time, so it was perfect for me with my still healing knee. It helped re-set everything like it said it would and I even learned that I now liked some foods I once swore I would never eat! I dropped 30 pounds and four pants sizes during the 21 days. I took more time off from working out after that, and then started a round of Les Mills Pump with a little P90X added in. As time passed, work got harder, more demanding, more negative and twisted. But I used Beachbody as my go to place when things got really bad. I stuck with Shakeology and workouts here and there but only managed to maintain my weight. I didn’t go up, but I wasn’t going down either. I started to get very depressed being stuck in the 270 range.

        I was in a very dark place but didn’t want to admit it. I stopped talking up Beachbody and fitness at work because unfortunately, there were those that didn’t like it. I was told to stop by my stupidvisor…. I mean supervisor. Times had gotten tough there, really tough working there but that’s for another blog. I could write an entire book on the crap they threw at me over the years just because they wanted me gone but had nothing to fire me for really. Like the time I was written up for asking a fellow worker if they were going to be working over the weekend as well, like I was. Next thing I knjow I was sent home, suspened with pay for 3 days (with pay?? Where’s the punishment there?). When I got back for Meeting for the record I was finally told what I did that was soooooooo wrong. Well, HISD said to me at the meeting, are you ready this? They said “You were suspended for impersonating a supervisor! Only a supervisor has the authority to question someone’s schedule! Thus, you created a hostile work environment as well as undermined your actual supervisor, showing a total lack of respect!” Looking back, I DID get 3 days off with pay so was it really a punishment? And there was a lot said at that meeting but like I said earlier, that’s for another blog if anyone wants to know about all that stuff. It’s like I’ve said, they weren’t the brightest department to work for at HISD.  But one day it happened, I ticked off a clerk that always acted like she was the head boss and I wouldn’t bow down to her like the other guys did. I think I’m the only one that didn’t find her attractive at all and the others did. I had been there for over 21 years and she had only been there for 1 year.

       I did not neglect my job duties through all this, but I was lied to and false documents were made to make me look like the worst thing HISD ever hired. How was I to know that clerk and my boss were sleeping around? He was married. I was really close to retirement at this time also, so I was like a double whammy when I was let go. HISD is known for doing this kind of crap. Well, Since I was let go, I had to fight a few demons now and to deal with what I thought was the end, my total failure in life. All that I went through during all those years, to end up this way, No job, No money, No clue! Now, what happened after that day, instead of slipping off into the darkness like most people would have, thinking it to be the end, I saw Beachbody in a whole new light. A whole new journey now presented itself before me and I knew it wasn’t going to be easy. I needed work so I could pay my bills until my Beachbody biz takes over.   


        I realized and knew that God had gotten me into this fitness biz because I need to help People. Not just by what I did at work as a Senor Telecommunication Analyst. I needed to reach out and touch people’s lives. It needs to be for real, it needs to be for them. That job was killing me big time anyway with negativity and stress.  I had total faith that the Lord will show me something else to do so I can make some money while I build a business helping others to achieve their Goals and Dreams through fitness.

        I was never more focused in my life to build this business and help people. Even my wife had noticed things are seeming to be happier happen now with me. People are coming to me and asking questions and wanting to join up with me. The cool thing is, this time around I’m not scared at all, and I’m now like “Oh Yeah, Bring It!” I want to eat better and do my workouts more so that I can actually BE a product of the product. The learning I’m doing now is what I should have done years ago but I let my former job control me. When I go back to work someplace, it will be different. The Journey will not be dark at all. For example, one of the things I’ve noticed now that I have left that negative world and seeing clearer is that the Diamonds and Elite coaches are young, compared to me that is. I need to change that and get some AGE into the mix. I also need to get myself in way better shape cuz the target really is younger than I and if I’m not looking like the way I should look, I’ll go no place. The fit look WILL attract all ages, it always does.  Do you think if Tony wasn’t in the shape he is today that people of all ages would listen to him for even a minute? If I was younger, it would not be that way, I would have no issues with getting a group together and grow my
business. Young attracts young, old is …….. just old. But, if the old is in a good shape, everyone wants to know what your secret is to being in shape and looking younger than your years. So, by getting in the best shape of my life ever, I’ll really be able to tell them,,,,, “Well, this is what you do…….!” Bottom line that I learned is to find the positive in all that happens because it IS there, all the time, no matter what. So what’s next? You’ll have to stay tuned and find out.

Remember to drop me line with any questions, ideas, or if you need help with anything. Also, if you would like to help people like I do, let me know and let’s talk. I’m always looking to build my team!

E-mail :: 

Facebook :: Harold Krueger

Instagram :: MonteP90X



#fitness #Fun #foodporn #journey #workout #Beachbody #coach #Financial #business #Health #healthy #nutrition #shakeology #family #challenge #beast #p90x #MLM #mlm #opportunity #group #beachbodycoach #future #muscle #weightloss #strength #energy #BOD

Let’s Keep It Going


        I knew that since I wanted it all I had to give it my all!  At this time I worked for the Houston School Dist. and my hours were like a roller coaster ride. This added to my journey, making it almost a nightmare, that’s a whole other story line though, I’ll get into that part later. With my new mindset now, I was quickly finding all the small mindedness of the people around me that I hadn’t seen or noticed before because I was just like them, It was. 

         I took some time off after P90X and went to my first ever Beachbody Summit, this is where I fell in love with Beachbody, to the extreme! At first, my thoughts were that I actually just need to find a way get the money to come in so I can quit my job at HISD, then, I could just concentrate on my Beachbody life and helping others. I found there were a lot of self-help books to read and Videos to watch, so I don’t have time to work a 9 to 5, I need to get at it. Well, when I got back I took more time to think and reflect upon my goals. First, I became P90X Certified and then started some fit clubs. Unfortunately, my job was just not allowing time for all that really, making it hard to do. Yep, I had an excuse for everything at that time in my life. My knees did play a huge part in all this as they just kept getting worse. My lifestyle up to now had really messed them up bad. I knew something would need to be done and soon. I pushed forward anyway with working out and dealing with the stress of HISD. I wanted more believe it or not and so I became Certified in Insanity as well by Melissa McCallister, her and I are good friends as well as fellow Beachbody coaches. When I finished that, I just knew that with having two Certifications, I’m on my way. Yeah, that’s what I told myself anyway.

         I was now down to 238 pounds and half way through my next workout period. I got this far by becoming the Modify King of workouts!  All the time I was working out I kept wishing there was a way to at least take care of my right knee since that was the worst at this point. Well, a twist of fate happened and I had a car accident, I blew out my right knee completely now. The Doctor said a replacement was going to be needed for sure. Since I was in a company truck and on the clock during work when this happened, Workman’s Comp stepped in. They told the doctor wait a minute, how about just repair the tendons first before we just jump into a full replacement cost. My doctor wasn’t very happy knowing it wasn’t going to help much but did as they requested. It made things better, for about a month, but it was still an effort to do things. So next, they said to try Cortisone shots for the joint. The Doctor did that too, shaking his head the whole time. We both knew replacement was coming. In their attempt to keep coast down, they actually made the process cost more because since nothing was working, reconstruction was finally done. I decided to use beachbody as part of my therapy, so I pushed play and did the best I could. I was back up and back to work in 4 weeks. The Doctor was very pleased at my progress but concerned about the weight coming back on. During the time of all the side steps that workman’s comp wanted, making workouts not that easy to do at all, it caused my weight to go back up to 275 pounds and it scared me that I had put back on 37 pounds. P90X was a little extreme with my knee the way it was so the work out I chose was, Les Mills Pump. There was no high impact with this and only a lot of repletion, it looked pretty good.

         I stuck to the workout without only a few modifications. Though I only lost about 10 pounds, I did look better and felt stronger.  Since I was starting to feel pretty good now, I went on a Beachbody Cruise for 7 days on the Ocean and saw a few awesome ports. I’ll talk about how that experience went in the next blog. Meanwhile, let me know your thoughts so far on what I’ve been talking about.


Remember to drop me line with any questions, ideas, or if you need help with anything. Also, if you would like to help people like I do, let me know and let’s talk. I’m always looking to build my team!

E-mail :: 

Facebook :: Harold Krueger

Instagram :: MonteP90X



#fitness #Fun #foodporn #journey #workout #Beachbody #coach #Financial #business #Health #healthy #nutrition #shakeology #family #challenge #beast #p90x #MLM #mlm #opportunity #group #beachbodycoach #future #muscle #weightloss #strength #energy #BOD

First Step to Pay it Forward!



So, lets get back to my story of the Journey that changed my life! 


        After my first run of P90X I took some time off, to let my body recoup Like Tony Horton said I should. Well, after a couple weeks, my knees went right back to having major pain, stiffness, popping and making snapping sounds. Sitting down as well as standing back up, was once again a major undertaking for me. So, I started to do P90X again. This time with even more modifications due to my knees. After about a week, my knees started to ease off a bit. I got more of the Recovery Drink. And, adding to this combination of a healthier way of life was the awesomeness of Shakeology. That stuff was like a life saver to me. I started to involve using my bicycle this time around. Every night, I would go about 4 miles. I knew I would never be 100% with my knees, they are just too shot. But at least with the Beachbody work outs, Recovery Drink and Shakeology, my knees will hold up better, longer and perhaps even after long term, I hoped, I MAY be able to run again. That’s was my number one big dream, to be able to run again. It did not have to be a marathon, just plain be able to run. During all this, I still had nerve issues to deal with in my back, setting up more leg issues. Like I said, one thing after another for me. I believed deep down that I would one day overcome all this, so I didn’t give up. It was around this time when I started to tell everyone that I saw, just how important it is to take care of your knees at all costs. It’s no fun losing mobility like thatI started preaching that ever so popular saying “Don’t let this happen to you!”.

           Now as you know, P90X started it all for me. Fitness had turned my life around, as I was now feeling WAY better. And I knew I would continue to do so as long as I kept the fitness going. I soon realized the best thig I could do was to pay it forward. but how? Well, in late July of my first year, I got my answer. I was really getting into this and wanted to pay it forward because by the time I finished my first round, I had gone from the almost 310 pounds to 256 pounds. Now, I heard about the Beachbody Coaching thing but didn’t really know what it was all about, so, I started to go into the chatrooms. I talk about my journey a bit to see if I could spark any interest in my helping someone. I figured that was all there was to coaching. After about a week or two I met this amazing guy named Allan Gadsden Jr. who seemed interested in my journey and asked a ton of questions as well as ton of information.

        It was then that I learned a person could make money helping others. Thing was, it would take a lot for me to do this. It wasn’t just sitting at a computer talking to people on line in chatroom’s with motivation to keep going. It was to actually get out there, do videos, talk to groups in person, show your face and share your story with the world! Then, one day, Allan said to me “So, why are you waiting? Just do it! See The Big Picture and do something scary. This is how you learn and grow” “You have to get out there and touch lives!”, he told me.  I didn’t tell him that going public like that was one of my fears. It’s even one of the reasons I never went into Comedy on stage, even though I was asked to by SNL’s rival, CCTV in Chicago. Adding to that was I kept hearing what my mom always told me, “You’re just being stupid, it’s not stable work and you WILL starve if you did that. Also, it wouldn’t be fair to your wife and soon to be newborn son.” I was too scared, too unsure of myself and lacked that inner feeling of go for it. I played it safe like I was told to all my life. Justified that in my mind enabled me to deal with it. It didn’t matter how many people told me I would be great at it and should go. My mom said the opposite and so I listened.

        I had no real confidence in myself that people would want to listen to me. Not a week has gone by that I haven’t thought about the “What If’s” of taking that chance of just being out there like that in the public.  So, I really thought to myself this time, “Am I going to let this Beachbody Opportunity slip on by???? NO!” Even though I had the same feelings of inadequacy and self-defeat, I knew that I just needed to start believing in myself to get through it. I needed to start listening to others when they say, “You Can Do It!” and stop the inner thinking of “Yeah right, you don’t know me. I really have nothing of any worth to say” For more years than I can recall I just pretend to agree and then go about my day. The key started to turn when I realized I needed to believe more in myself and see the things other do in me. To take it for what it is and not just that they are saying something to be nice to me. This new mindset is what started opening that door to the journey ahead, even though I still wasn’t 100% sold on the idea of having confidence in myself. I wanted to be everything I could be, physically, mentally, financially and spiritually. I knew I still had so much to learn and go through before I would become the leader I need to be. My belief to do this through Beachbody was unbreakable.


Remember to drop me line with any questions, ideas, or if you need help with anything. Also, if you would like to help people like I do, let me know and let’s talk. I’m always looking to build my team!

E-mail :: 

Facebook :: Harold Krueger

Instagram :: MonteP90X



#fitness #Fun #foodporn #journey #workout #Beachbody #coach #Financial #business #Health #healthy #nutrition #shakeology #family #challenge #beast #p90x #MLM #mlm #opportunity #group #beachbodycoach #future #muscle #weightloss #strength #energy #BOD

Family of Critics



              My Blog today comes to you from something I noticed in my everyday life today while meeting up with some of my siblings. It’s amazing how Family can be the most negative thing in a person’s life. The T.V. stereo type family that is all supportive and stands as one and so on is not really what I’ve seen or lived. I’ve said things with in my family while we’re together and it’s usually met with negativity or greatly read into. A simple Hello from me is weighed and looked at and then responded to. I must be careful what I say, how I say it and be able to explain WHY I said it. I’ve heard a family member repeat word for word something I said about 15 to 30 minutes ago and it’s met with laughter or an understanding look of acceptance. But when I said it earlier, it was met with raised eyebrows, deep sighs and a total lack of laughter or understanding.

              I can say things to friends and even strangers, getting a hardy laugh or nod of acceptance in agreement. So, it used to pain me to have to work so hard at being someone I am not and instead of who I really am. All for the sake of family acceptance. I would see how the others did band together and took each as an individual, not trying to change or control them.  As for me, yep, it was and is a whole other story. Don’t know when exactly it took that turn but it did. I learned about keeping a distance and treating everyone the same, family or not. It took a funeral to get us all back in the same room. Wait, they were already in the same room, it was me that was now allowed in for a little bit. Funny thing is, after a few moments with them I realized being apart wasn’t such a bad thing after all. It took years to learn how to act in public and try to live the dream of one day being accepted and well liked. That is a dream better left as just that, a Dream! The only person you need to be liked by is yourself. Sure it’s nice to have a lot of friends and be popular but at the end of the night, as you crawl into bed, who is there with you if you’re not married? It’s all just you, so you better like you or it’s going to be a long night.

              People spend their lives searching for and never finding the acceptance they want and it’s really all because they never really liked themselves. When you like yourself you also gain a shield or a type of protection in a way. It seems that when you have gotten to this point of your life and really like yourself, the woes words and actions of those around you seem to not have the power they once had, and you can maintain a more positive and even productive lifestyle. To like yourself is truly the first step to a rather awesome life. I’m not talking about being rich or well off or even super popular. I’m talking about being less stressed, less negative and a lot less touchy about what life throws at you. So even when it’s family being all up in your face remember to like yourself no matter what they say. Family isn’t always right. It would be nice, but reality dictates that it’s not.



Remember to drop me line with any questions, ideas, or if you need help with anything. Also, if you would like to help people like I do, let me know and let’s talk. I’m always looking to build my team!

E-mail :: 

Facebook :: Harold Krueger

Instagram :: MonteP90X



#fitness #Fun #foodporn #journey #workout #Beachbody #coach #Financial #business #Health #healthy #nutrition #shakeology #family #challenge #beast #p90x #MLM #mlm #opportunity #group #beachbodycoach #future #muscle #weightloss #strength #energy #BOD 



What I’ve learned on Social Media Lately





              Well, well, well, what the Hell! Seems everyone and I mean everyone has an opinion and that single opinion is the ONLY opinion that matters or should matter. Why is that? Am I supposed to believe that cheaper is AWAYS better or at least equally as good as something that costs more? I’ve also learned that people like to write stuff just to see their words in print no matter how childish or unthought out the idea or statement is. For example, a person said it’s stupid to Drink your 160 calories when you can eat it. Giving the examples of having two eggs instead. So, those 2 eggs have the same vitamins, minerals and nutrition that the high nutrition drink has? I’ve also learned that the proper way to use an item means nothing at all. Again, it all comes down to cost. I know just as well as anyone else that cost is always a factor in doing anything now days but really think about that in the way of the Media.

              You choose a meal that is cheaper than the health food stuff and probably tastes a little better too in some cases. After a bit you start to gain a little weight, don’t have much energy but you justify it all on being a lot busier at work and so on. You get sick and go to a doctor. $2500 dollars later he says you need more vitamin this or that and gives you a prescription to take for 10 days. Hmm, in the same time frame if you had spent an extra $500 on proper foods and a good workout program, you most likely wouldn’t be here today with a doctor bill of $2500. But that’s OK right? And, it’s OK to read what you want and interpret the meaning on that package to fit YOUR opinion on social media. So, what is there to believe then? Ask 10 people the same question and you’ll most likely get 10 different answers all saying that their answer is the right one and bash the others for what they said.

              Keeping that in mind, I’ve also learned it’s OK to outright lie and change any wording to back up your statement. Whining about something seems to be the best means of getting that attention for others to listen and believe you. Apparently, self-pity and Oh poor me attitude is the way of the future and how to get things done. Everyone is afraid to say what they really mean and worry about saying it politically correct. Words are words and if people took them as their worth, instead of twisting a whole new meaning behind them or creating some far out sub-level hidden message in a statement, we would all be a lot less stressed. Oh, but wait! Stress is what apparently drives the average person now and feeds off it like it was the nectar of he God’s. It’s getting almost, no, it IS comical the way a lot of people go on about this and that and I know this blog doesn’t follow the flow of the others up to now but I just felt I had to say something of how I feel and share what I’ve learned. I could go on and on but why? Then I’d be sounding like all those on Social Media that won’t stop till they have used every word they know, and some made up ones as well, in order to get you on their side and see things as THEY deem it all to be. The really sad apart of all this is that I could say we need to take back what we’ve lost and gain back the sight of what is real and true, BUT, most don’t believe we’ve lost anything and if you want the Truth about something then just ask THEM!  That’s all for today, hope you liked reading my thoughts and ideas, there’s so much more to come…. Have a Great One!



Remember to drop me line with any questions, ideas, or if you need help with anything. Also, if you would like to help people like I do, let me know and let’s talk. I’m always looking to build my team!

E-mail :: 

Facebook :: Harold Krueger

Instagram :: MonteP90X



#fitness #Fun #foodporn #journey #workout #Beachbody #coach #Financial #business #Health #healthy #nutrition #shakeology #family #challenge #beast #p90x #MLM #mlm #opportunity #group #beachbodycoach #future #muscle #weightloss #strength #energy #BOD