What I’ve learned on Social Media Lately





              Well, well, well, what the Hell! Seems everyone and I mean everyone has an opinion and that single opinion is the ONLY opinion that matters or should matter. Why is that? Am I supposed to believe that cheaper is AWAYS better or at least equally as good as something that costs more? I’ve also learned that people like to write stuff just to see their words in print no matter how childish or unthought out the idea or statement is. For example, a person said it’s stupid to Drink your 160 calories when you can eat it. Giving the examples of having two eggs instead. So, those 2 eggs have the same vitamins, minerals and nutrition that the high nutrition drink has? I’ve also learned that the proper way to use an item means nothing at all. Again, it all comes down to cost. I know just as well as anyone else that cost is always a factor in doing anything now days but really think about that in the way of the Media.

              You choose a meal that is cheaper than the health food stuff and probably tastes a little better too in some cases. After a bit you start to gain a little weight, don’t have much energy but you justify it all on being a lot busier at work and so on. You get sick and go to a doctor. $2500 dollars later he says you need more vitamin this or that and gives you a prescription to take for 10 days. Hmm, in the same time frame if you had spent an extra $500 on proper foods and a good workout program, you most likely wouldn’t be here today with a doctor bill of $2500. But that’s OK right? And, it’s OK to read what you want and interpret the meaning on that package to fit YOUR opinion on social media. So, what is there to believe then? Ask 10 people the same question and you’ll most likely get 10 different answers all saying that their answer is the right one and bash the others for what they said.

              Keeping that in mind, I’ve also learned it’s OK to outright lie and change any wording to back up your statement. Whining about something seems to be the best means of getting that attention for others to listen and believe you. Apparently, self-pity and Oh poor me attitude is the way of the future and how to get things done. Everyone is afraid to say what they really mean and worry about saying it politically correct. Words are words and if people took them as their worth, instead of twisting a whole new meaning behind them or creating some far out sub-level hidden message in a statement, we would all be a lot less stressed. Oh, but wait! Stress is what apparently drives the average person now and feeds off it like it was the nectar of he God’s. It’s getting almost, no, it IS comical the way a lot of people go on about this and that and I know this blog doesn’t follow the flow of the others up to now but I just felt I had to say something of how I feel and share what I’ve learned. I could go on and on but why? Then I’d be sounding like all those on Social Media that won’t stop till they have used every word they know, and some made up ones as well, in order to get you on their side and see things as THEY deem it all to be. The really sad apart of all this is that I could say we need to take back what we’ve lost and gain back the sight of what is real and true, BUT, most don’t believe we’ve lost anything and if you want the Truth about something then just ask THEM!  That’s all for today, hope you liked reading my thoughts and ideas, there’s so much more to come…. Have a Great One!



Remember to drop me line with any questions, ideas, or if you need help with anything. Also, if you would like to help people like I do, let me know and let’s talk. I’m always looking to build my team!

E-mail :: HK3Fitness@gmail.com 

Facebook :: Harold Krueger

Instagram :: MonteP90X



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