I was going through some old stuff laying around in a bin on my computer table at home and came across a few flash drives that I wasn’t even sure what was on them. The first one was blank, so were the next two. The last one though had some interesting things on it. I guess the name flash drive was perfect since it was a Flash from the past. My past life in bits and pieces of when I was an HISD drone. Looking over the write ups and mass confusion of directives and rules and so on did not turn out the be the downer I thought was going to happened. The more I read the more I realized how wrong I was for being upset about it all when it happened. If I had just played the puppet and went along with all the garbage they tried to feed me, I would not have ended up getting let go of.
I know, everyone always says they are innocent and the write up is stupid and ridicules. OK, you be the judge on this one example. There are many to choose from but this one really shows the level of “WTF” that I dealt with on a daily basis in that dept. It was during the storm “IKE” and we were all on a 12 hour 7 days a week schedule to get the schools back up and running. I was asked to head up a team on Saturday and I said OK fine. I then asked the parts person if he was working Saturday cuz I need some stuff and then I will know to get it all on Friday and store it in my truck over night or just pick it all up Saturday. He wasn’t sure and said he’d get back to me. 20 minutes later my stupidvisor , I mean supervisor, called me over and said I was suspended for 3 days. He would not tell me why, only that I would find out upon my return now go home and think about what you did. I walked way thinking…”Think about,,,????….. That I did??”
Have you figured it out yet? Well upon my return and the meeting to go over what it was I did, I learned that I was suspended for ….Drum Roll >>>>> Impersonating a Supervisor! By doing this I created a hostile work environment. Confusion among my peers as to whom is in charge, and a total lack of respect to my actual supervisor by acting in a complete unprofessional manor with disregard to policy! Yes, my head was spinning too, thinking Whaaaaaat!? They then added to clarify their charges that ONLY a Supervisor can question an employee’s schedule. By asking that person if they were working was a direct violation of that policy. Their continued talking to try and convince me of my wrong doing went on for about 30 minutes. It was really quite funny when I think about it now. The word play was amazing! So, tell me, was I wrong and needed to be suspended!? I have many write ups I can talk about but perhaps later. If you’d like to hear more on “As the HISD turns” Just ask and I’ll tell ya!
For now, I just want to point that we don’t always have the answers to the reason for something being done and so what do we do? We get upset, angry, lash back, mad,,,, the list goes on. Instead, sometimes it’s better to just roll with it and deal with more pressing issues. Take what is thrown at you and GROW with it instead of wasting time being negative. Remember ,, Listen and Learn NOT Spout off and Burn!
Remember to drop me line with any questions, ideas, or if you need help with anything. Also, if you would like to help people like I do, let me know and let’s talk. I’m always looking to build my team!
E-mail :: HK3Fitness@gmail.com
Facebook :: Harold Krueger
Instagram :: MonteP90X
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