Vegan Time!?

Needed to side step just a little and speak out about nutrition a little bit. 

        OK so I just had to say a few words about being Vegan. I’ve heard all kinds of pros and cons and yet not one is 100% proof to be or not to be vegan. I’ve even heard all about how “Doctors say the human body was never meant to eat meat in the first place!” Well then why do we have the teeth for it instead of the ones like herbivores that are all flat, no points for tarring meat? And why then are animal so dang tasty!? LOL!  I’m sure someone will read this one day and think me to be a complete uncaring person towards animals. Well let me say this, a vegan claims there is no reason to kill a living animal to eat. Saying things like “How would you like if someone ate your spouse or children?” There’s always the extremist on any matter. Fact is, even plants are a living thing, so a Vegan is still killing something to survive.

    I started to think about this when I saw a remark on FB about a person that had headaches all the time, tired and sleepy, ached everywhere, Until,,,,, they turned to be a Vegan and now they have no headaches, no stress, not overweight or tired and all with out killing some poor little animal. The responses on that were to die for laughing, but so true. Some of them were “Dear Vegetarians, If you love animals so much and don’t want to see them die, Please stop eating all their food! Thank-you! “ and “I don’t understand vegans at all, if you don’t like meat or won’t eat meat then WHY are you making Non-meat products Look and Sound like meat!?”  and “Vegan is fine if that’s your thing. See how I accepted your lifestyle choice? Now show us the same courtesy and let us meat eaters eat our meat! Thank-you!”  These are all actual responses. I had a good laugh and a few remarks of my own. Meat was, is and always will be something the human body was ment to have.

     Carnivores have even been accredited to placing certain animals on the endangered list. Yeah, we did all it all by ourselves. All the wild animals out there chasing down and eating their prey had nothing to with it. And what about Dinosaurs? Did we eat them all!? I sure could go for a good Brontoburger or maybe some fried Tridactyl. LOL! Wait, a nice thick Stegosaurus Steak! Mmmmm Good! I’ve worked up an appetite now so I’m going to go kill, I mean get something for dinner. In closing, please remember the famous words once said by a die hard true Vegan, “There is NO reason to go hunting and kill an animal to eat. Just go to the store and pick up something at the butcher’s market!” Umm, do they know where that meat came from? LOL! Bon Appetit!



Remember to drop me line with any questions, ideas, or if you need help with anything. Also, if you would like to help people like I do, let me know and let’s talk. I’m always looking to build my team!

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