A Waste of Time or A Waste of Life


        How does one measure the amount of time wasted and if it is only time or life that’s wasted. Is it measured in seconds, minutes, days, weeks, months, years, before it counts? We are told by many to not look at what we don’t have or all the things we dreamed of that we have not yet achieved and instead look at what all we do have and have achieved. Make a list, you are told, even if there’s only 2 or 3 things on it. The list will grow quickly as you keep thinking. So, what do we list right off as the usual things people say…???… I have my health, I woke up this morning. The real list should not have any of these type of things listed to include,,,, I have wonderful children, a wife, a home, a job….No, that’s common place and anyone can say it. What gives a person worth is the inner feeling of accomplishment that is unique unto them. This is where the true issue is found. The true worth, the true feeling of being alive and productive. Books have been written and people have given webinars and live talks over and over again every day about this very thing. Why should we be told this so many times? It’s because it’s not being told correctly to the full extent.

              The talkers and book writers want to make sure you feel accomplished no matter what and feel better about yourself right away. Makes them look good. Thus, the list can contain anything you think of. It’s like the magic pill for weight loss. When dealing with our lives it should be done with heart and great thought. With an age of everything being either bad for you or outdated and needs to be upgraded, it’s no wonder so many doubt themselves so much. Being smart 30 years ago is being not so smart today. Are you dumb? Hell No! If that were true, just because you don’t know what some young person knows then in turn that young person is dumb cuz they don’t know what you know. Here is where the doors start to open and show your self-worth. This is where you start to look and see what all you have accomplished, given, helped or changed during your life. It’s easy to get caught up in the stress of all the garbage being thrown at you day after day until you start doubting in yourself as a human being.

Lets re look now at that list of things that make you who you are and why you are and asset and not just an ass. Now, it’s not just, Well, I have a wonderful child…No, it’s I have a child that depends on me for their ability to achieve and live. Or I have an awesome pet…. No, you have an animal that lives only because you care enough for it’s life to feed, protect and be part of your family. You are a care giver, unique unto yourself. A person that cares about the lives around them, That’s awesome! It gives a person that feeling of worth and accomplishment. How about … I Achieved my training to become a Professional ..(fill in the blank).  Let your mind wander and your heart guide it now as you find so much more of who you are in a positive way. You do a lot of things now because it’s what other people expect or deem to be the right thing to do. According to whom? Not doing what you desire is denying yourself more inner worth and self-accomplishment. Just always remember …. It is in what you do in your deeds and not in what you have or in your needs that make you who you are. That simple little rule of life is what can make the negative no longer rule your life but instead to let the positive take over your life.


Remember to drop me line with any questions, ideas, or if you need help with anything. Also, if you would like to help people like I do, let me know and let’s talk. I’m always looking to build my team!

E-mail :: HK3Fitness@gmail.com 

Facebook :: Harold Krueger

Instagram :: MonteP90X


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I Should Write A Book !


  I was reading a really good book the other day called “The Compound Effect” As I read it I found that my life has been this book. I even had my own compound effect going on. The compound effect is all about baby steps really. It talks about how little things, long term, can really add up to good stuff. And yes, sometimes it also adds up to some not so good stuff. Let’s not be negative though and think about the positive part of it all. A good example of this effect long term is one of my favorite little things I experienced with my kids while they were growing up. My kids always seemed to have great questions of curiosity. What I was asked was why I always stop to pick up a single penny, it’s not worth much at all. I then asked them what they would pick up. I was told nothing less than a dime.

       I thought for a moment and told them to play a little game with me on this and I’ll bet they will answer their own question. I told them I would pick up any and all change I saw but they could only pick up a dime or higher. They quickly agreed and 30 days later they came to me with their findings of great wealth. A total of $1.25. I said OK, now, let’s talk about this. You over looked the little things going just for the big payoff. I on the other hand took the time to collect even the little things that add up. I then showed them that I had collected $3.75, more than twice their take.  Their little eyes rolled back as they tried to wrap their little brains around this. I then explained that yes, a single penny isn’t much, but after you get a few then it’s like a nickel, then a dime and so on.  There are a lot more pennies laying around than dimes. I didn’t wait for the payoff to roll in, I created my own payoff a little at a time.

       “But that takes so long to do, collecting little things and waiting for it to add up. It took you days to get 10 pennies and I found a dime on the second day.” I was told. I just shook my head a little and told them to really think first. Was it a long time for me to get this? Was it not the same time period you had and all you came up with less than half of my take? Sometimes it only seems like a long time because your mind is looking only at the horizon and not all the cool stuff along the way that made that horizon look so good. It’s the little things that make the picture of our future bright. If we always wait for that big break or special find, we’ll miss so much out of life. Our future may still be awesome but to what level? The old saying about stopping to smell the flowers is a very good thing to incorporate into your life. Do you want your life to read like one of those 1-page free handouts you get at any street corner, or a full on 300 pages plus Novel? With movie rights! LOL! Like I said before and the words just keep coming back,,, The Choice is Yours! Life IS Choice and choice is life. You choose what to do and do what you choose, let the little things in and stop thinking it’s a waste of time. Those little things DO Add Up!


Remember to drop me line with any questions, ideas, or if you need help with anything. Also, if you would like to help people like I do, let me know and let’s talk. I’m always looking to build my team!

E-mail :: HK3Fitness@gmail.com 

Facebook :: Harold Krueger

Instagram :: MonteP90X



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