You’ve heard a lot of my past so lets get back up a little to NOW! There’s so much to talk about and tell about present day things. I just wanted to give a glimpse into what formed my mindset and way of thinking. Who we are NOW is a direct relation to how, where and when we were raised. Things can change though as long as we understand how it started and the direction it took us. Now since I’m talking abut life here, let’s talk about taking yours back!
Why is it that people seem to LOVE to suck the life out of things and come up with a poor me attitude that HAS to outdo the other person? IF people spent half the time doing some thing positive instead of complaining and making it seem like you’re on deaths door, Life would be so much grander for all of us. I have a friend that, OMG, HAS to be the center of attention on everything that is wrong with them and has to make it always sound like its a one step away from death, issue. Being very over weight is not uncommon to be linked to diabetes. My friend is border line to having that. To hear that from them though. They are on death’s door and need to watch every little thing they eat and cut out all sugar and so on. But I say No, just lose some weight and you’ll be fine.
Then there are the people that seem to always have an excuse for being 600 pounds or more and ya know what the number one reason is that they give ,,,, “I was abused as a child!” So, I guess child abuse will cause you to be overweight. We live an age of story tellers and hiders. A story teller is one that tells any story they think of to justify an issue they DO have control of but would rather get the sympathy and have people do things for them. The hider is the one that runs from the truth and denies there is an issue. You know the ones, they are over weight but say they are just fine with their body and nothing is wrong. Guess again Jethro. You have issues and need to address them and not push them off on the unexpecting public. Back in the day a doctor would tell you that you need to lose some weight instead of saying, “Well all your tests came back good, so your fine.” Then you pay a few hundred dollars for that and go on your way to have a heart attack later and see the doctor again so he or she makes more money. It’s all about the money now days for some reason.
All this adds up to one thing, Self-Pride! The general public has traded that in for Media Acceptance! Go with the flow and don’t make waves. Be like what others want and deny what you really feel about something. You can get upset with what I say or even mad, but you know deep down you can’t disagree. A person now days would rather be popular than true to themselves. Sad indeed but true. It’s time to take back our lives and learn that having self-pride will actually make you live a happier and more productive life due to less stress of having to keep up with the Jones. Life is too short to be hung up on a word that was used in a way that offended you. It’s Just a Word! Read my blog on Words and you will know what I am talking about. It’s time to have a little self-control and quit being a sheep that blindly follows where the others are going. Odds are there will be a wolf waiting for them. It’s time to think about what you want instead of what’s most popular. I’m not saying you need to have a me first attitude at all. That would be going too far and you would lose the meaning of life and sharing. That’s a whole other blog though on that topic of losing life’s point.
Bottom line here is we need to get our self-pride back, quit all the exaggerating of the facts and live our life more honestly as to what we really feel and not be so damn sensitive about what is going on. Worry about yourself first, It’s OK to do that.
Remember to drop me line with any questions, ideas, or if you need help with anything. Also, if you would like to help people like I do, let me know and let’s talk. I’m always looking to build my team!
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