Ever wonder if anyone is really listening to you at all? Yes, we talk and talk but for some, like me, it’s never really listened to. I found out a couple months ago I have what’s called R.B.F., Resting Bitch Face. It’s amazing how any lady ever found me attractive then. I mean I wouldn’t want to be with someone that always looks mad. I remember times back in the day when I used to actually live my life, I would go out on my Harley to a local bar with some buddies and no one ever really talked to me except for the guys I came with. People would come up and talk to them but not me. I questioned that they all thought I was just being dramatic and crazy. But one of them actually just sat and watched, they were amazed at how it was true. What happened was as we were sitting there, the waitress came up and asked him if he wanted a beer or something, he told her yes and she turned to start to walk away. I tried to get her attention, but she ignored me. My buddy yelled over to her and she came right back with a smile. He asked why she didn’t ask his buddy here if he wanted something. Just looked over at me and said, “Oh, did YOU want something!?” with an attitude.
After that, he started paying even more attention and sure enough, I was right. Everywhere we went people would great him and I would be invisible. This is no joke, one time we went to a bar and the guy at the door opened up and let him in and shook his hand greeting him and then let the door just shut in my face. I stopped the door with my fist, so it would make a loud noise. The door man just looked at me and said “Oh, I didn’t see you there!” Even my name is not understood when I tell people. I shake their hand and tell them “Monte” loudly. They repeat, “Mickey?” I tell them again, “MONTE” emphasizing on the pronunciation. They reply “Oh, Marky!” After a few tries I just say “Phil” “Oh Phil!” they respond. My buddy about hit the floor when he saw that happen. It wasn’t until that name thing that someone finally understood and believed me about I’m invisible to most people. Probably one of the reasons I died my hair Blue, I get noticed now. But all my life I wasn’t noticed so I really never developed interaction in meeting new people or having the air of self-confidence that people around you pick up on.
Now, here I am, almost 60 and trying to build a team of likeminded people in the world of fitness. Do you see the issue I’m facing here? Even with the blue hair, I’m ignored on social media. What I mean is, I’m told there are thousands and thousands of people every day that see my posts and pictures but I don’t know it, so I need to be careful what and how I say things and what types of pictures I post. I questioned why then do I never get a bunch of likes or comments or new friend requests like they do? Well, apparently, my content is boring, and I don’t talk too the people about how they are doing. It’s always about what I’m doing and no real subject matter. I look at what they post and I say and copy the same forum, asking the same questions and talking about what I’m doing and why, and how they are doing with stuff. I ask for opinions and ideas, I share the good and the bad. And yet I don’t get the 2 or3 hundred friend requests or IG Followers like others do. Guess were back to that old R.B.F and being invisible when I say something.
When someone DOES actually listen to me, they are amazed at how much I know, and my insight is far beyond most. They actually liked talking to me and when that happens I usually get asked how I knew all this stuff. I pay attention, that’s all. Something most people don’t do anymore. But with all my insight and knowledge, what I want to know most is HOW do I get my words in front of the right people that feel like I do and want to help with putting an end to obesity and get people fit and feel better. It’s like this blog I guess. Is anyone ever really going to read it? So why do I write it? I don’t really know other than it’s an outlet for my feelings and keeping the hope alive that one day, just Maybe, someone will read these words and learn about a guy that has a lot to offer in spite of all that’s gone on in his life and never gave up.
Remember to drop me line with any questions, ideas, or if you need help with anything. Also, if you would like to help people like I do, let me know and let’s talk. I’m always looking to build my team!
E-mail :: HK3Fitness@gmail.com
Facebook :: Harold Krueger
Instagram :: MonteP90X
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