The only difference between success and failure in any job is your attitude toward it.

       Quite the bold statement indeed but it’s not always 100% true. I have found that any statement has its acceptations to the rule. And even that statement, follows that. That first line that you read for example, stating the only difference is attitude…… like most, can easily be tossed out because it’s a general rule and not one that’s carved in stone. To back this up, I will tell you that I myself have gone into a project, believing in my heart to be a failure but it was something that needed to be done so I tried anyway. Low and behold it worked out Great! I was really surprised. And then there are projects I took on with the utmost in confidence, believing 100% that it will be a cake walk, after all, I totally knew what I was doing. Yet half way through, it fell apart terribly, epic failure! So would it be safe to say, in general, that attitude does not always dictate the end result? So how then do we get all these profound sayings that are followed without question?

       From as far back as time goes, we all learned at an early age to believe those that seem to be in charge and show great confidence in what they do and say. Why, they must have the answers to life itself! So, we hang on their every word and take it to heart as gospel, or the proverbial carved in stone. I’m not saying to never believe anyone that tells you something or doubt everything that you hear. So don’t get me wrong, there are a lot of statements out there that are true. One of them that I like really hit it on the head, I’m not sure of the exact person that quoted this but someone once said, “There are no truths; there are only perceptions of truth.” With that being said, the truth then really, is what you what it to be and not just what someone that is good with words leads you to believe. It’s called the word game. That statement is something that most politicians are Great at manipulating. But this game is played by all, yes, it’s fun for the whole family! The key word to that statement is, “Perception”. This is where 100 people can listen to the same speech, statement, seminar or webinar and get an entirely different take away from it. I’ve seen this happen and experienced it for myself more than once, to the point where I’ve asked myself “Were we at the same seminar!?” If we all just blindly listen, we won’t see the end result until it hits us in the face. It’s like if you jump out of a plane without a parachute, the scenery is awesome and the feeling of floating like a cloud is amazing. Until of course you get to the end and the reality of not using a parachute smacks you in the face like a brick wall.

        This parachute of course is just a metaphor, to make you realize that everything needs something, to make it work. I feel the parachute is as close to being perfect for an example as it gets. Look at it this way, a parachute can stop, slow down and even pull you higher if you know how to use it right. It’s similar to para sailing. It’s an all-around catch all for causing what could be a terrible or fatal outcome of an event, change, to be an awesome journey instead. Life in general is a free fall that you can glide through with ease or live it flat out and deal with the end when it comes. The things we are told through our lives by all these “Self-help” “Motivational” Inspirational” “Controversial” speakers, should start with a warning to have your parachute ready and your mind open to be ready to use both at all times.



Remember to drop me line with any questions, ideas, or if you need help with anything. Also, if you would like to help people like I do, let me know and let’s talk. I’m always looking to build my team!

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