Why do what THEY WANT or DO!?


      Just pull yourself out of the cycle and live as you should live!


       Ever wonder why some people do what they do? I believe it could be due to how they were taught and raised. I know how it is since I’ve battled with my childhood for as long as I’ve been an adult, over 40 years now. But past is past and letting go is the key. Sure, sometimes it’s easier said than done but it can be done. I know of what I speak. The early years of my childhood was OK but when my parents started having trouble it was past on down to all us kids. Myself and two sisters got it the worst. My little brother was like the golden child to mom and my youngest sister was mom’s favorite. I grew up with one brow beating after another accompanied by actual beatings as well. Today CPS would have stepped in really quick. However back in the day, 1960’s, there was no such thing really.

        So, when I hear today about how Oh poor me I had it so ruff as a kid that now I hate the world and myself!!!! What drama! Give it a rest.  Kids today don’t know how it was back in the day. Times were hard, and we got through it. Without a ton of therapy. OH, I’m still dealing with some of the thoughts that were beat ,,,, I mean told repeatedly upon my head,,,, I mean to me. You get the idea. I’m not bitter about any of it. Why? Because I refuse to let it control my life like it once did.  Times change, ideas change, mindset is everything. You can let it control you or you can take hold and control it. Everyday you get up is a new start. Look at the day before you get out of bed, as having a clean slate and what is going to happen that day has yet to be written. It’s up to you to write it the way you want it, not how someone else wants it to be. Don’t get me wrong here, there’s nothing wrong with agreeing with someone and do some things the way they would like it to be. Just don’t let it jeopardize your journey. Besides, making someone happy that way is part of life by giving and sharing.

        It’s not easy saying no to all the negative that goes through your mind on a daily basis it’s so much easier to just roll with it, but it’s something each of us needs to do to then be able to get through the walls that life has built around us starting from childhood because we allowed it. I’m sure you know that a wall can’t stand strong without mortar to hold it together. Guess what? YOU are the mortar. You are what’s keeping that wall strong against you. Take yourself out of the equation by saying no and watch the wall come falling down. Leave all the Nay Sayers behind and use their words to strengthen you and not strengthen the wall. You know what the real truth is about everything that’s going on in your life, not anyone else, and so only you can judge it, no one else, so why listen to them? Be true to you and be who you are. There are thousands of people out there that will want to be around you for who you really are, you just need to believe in yourself and allow that to happen. The few that want to change you? Just let them go, you don’t need them. So many will find that a bit scary to change it up that way. I’m not going to tell you it isn’t, because it is, its but well worth that step. You have to trust that in the long run your journey will be so much Better, nicer, brighter and a lot less stressful.


Remember to drop me line with any questions, ideas, or if you need help with anything. Also, if you would like to help people like I do, let me know and let’s talk. I’m always looking to build my team!

E-mail :: HK3Fitness@gmail.com 

Facebook :: Harold Krueger

Instagram :: MonteP90X



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