My Life Chapter 1 …. Earliest Memory


       So, should I make my blog a diary, post chapters from the novel I wrote or keep it all about fitness and building my team? Well, trying to build my team. It’s almost like I need 3 separate blogs to cover it all and keep it straight. Right now, I have no audience anyway and to build one I’m clueless. For now perhaps a self-help type diary about real life as I see it and how it’s treating me so far would be good. I’ll even give a back ground of events leading up to modern day stuff both good and not so good. I wonder if language will be a factor of offending someone. Oh wait, then don’t read it! LOL! Ya know, this MAY BE a good start on a book. After all, some of the stuff I’ll talk about over time will be like, WTF!??? No way that’s true! But it is because I have no reason to lie about anything. Of course, there are the things that will remain secret forever but that’s not relevant to the life line.

         The earliest memory I have that’s clear like it just happened, is a happy one from 1963. Ya, I’m old, get over it,,, LOL!  It was Christmas and I just turned 4yrs old a few weeks prior. My dad, Oh I mean Santa, gave me a signed football from the Chicago Bears (imitation). That was the most awesome gift I remember ever getting as a child. Dad and I would play catch for hours. He taught me how to throw it properly and catch it instead of stepping aside being afraid of it coming at me at what I felt was like a million miles an hour. I kicked it, tossed it, even played by myself with it many times. That ball was like the world to me. I still remember how it felt in my little hands, how the fake leather smelled and what all the signatures looked like. Even when it started to peal like a banana, I kept playing with it. Little did I know there would not be may memories ahead with that kind of positive, happy impact on my life. They say that little boys have the strongest bond with their mom but in my case,  I always felt closer to my dad than my mom. Where to go from here with my life journey, I’m not sure. Do I give details of Elementary schools to Jr. high and on to High School? Skip a little?

      OK, let’s fast forward the early years a little, seeing how things were for me on a day to day typical stuff in my life feed. Sort of like watching commercials on fast forward to get back to the show. I grew up on 6 acres of very dense woods. The house sat pretty much centered in it all and cold NOT be seen from the road except during the winter when the trees were bare but seemed to take on a new full look when the snow would build up upon their branches. I had my own little winter wonderland every year to play in. Half way down the driveway, to the street, there was a small retention of water in a low spot. My dad had it dug out to be a little better than 15 ft deep and about 100 or so feet across. It made an awesome little pond for all the ducks we raised. That is a chapter all in it’s self about the pond. It will unfold though as I continue. I remember having to shovel that driveway that was the length of a football field plus a little more. It made for a great sleigh ride from the house to the street. It wasn’t a straight run though, it had a little bit of a turn to it and with all the trees along side, it looked more like a little side dirt road than a driveway. It sure was fun to see far you could get on the sled before you would veer off or tip over.

        My dad was a gun collector, so I grew up learning about them and how to shoot and reload ammunition from the starting point of actually melting down the lead to cast the bullets. That part was done in the basement. I can remember the sound of the cold night wind going through the trees outside. There was a big stone fireplace in our house and I could watch it for hours as I sat by it. I’d poke it a little and of course get yelled at for doing it. My attention would then be placed on the TV. It was a Black-n-White, there wasn’t color ones out just yet. It had a round screen and got 3 main channels. Then with a flip of the second dial, you could bring in 3 or 4 more. It really depended on the weather outside and how well you had your antenna placed. One day my parents got a device that hooked up to it so we could turn the antenna with the push of a button to bring the stations in better. Technology was really on the cutting edge in our house!

        Life wasn’t bad at all really back then during the really early years. I had no friends though because of the distance to the nearest kid my age was about 3 miles and no way I was allowed to walk that far at 5 or 6 yrs old. Not for fear of getting snatched up but my sense of direct wasn’t that great and so the risk of getting lost was the issue. Back then, you didn’t need to lock your door at night while you slept or your windows. There was no AC, so summertime was hot! Windows were open, fans a blowin, doors open for the cross breeze. We had screen doors to keep the bugs out. It was always so beautiful during the seasons with the trees turning colors, the little narrow streams of water running from the snow melting. I would walk around the woods for hours, exploring here and there, turning over rocks and large branches that had fallen, in hopes to find something to paly with like a frog or salamander. Once I found two baby possums. I didn’t tell mom about that find, she would have freaked. They were fun to paly with though.

        I learned a great deal about nature from watching stuff and listening to my dad and grandpa tell me things. Grandpa lived only two doors down from us but that was about a half mile. I was allowed to walk there and back. We had no cell phones, iPad, lap tops or tablets and it was fine. I found a lot of things in those woods that I could never explain and when I asked about it I was just looked at like I was crazy or making things up. As I grew, I did learn the answers to most of it. But the one most chilling event that took place and will forever be an unforgotten mystery in my life was the night of the scream. It was before the add on to the house was done so I was around 7 and I had a sister that was a little older, she was around 9. It was late on a warm summer night. Her and I shared a room, it was no big deal back then. Mom was at work on the night shift at the hospital. She was a Medical Lab Technician. Well, we were talking softly as to not wake up dad. Our window was open for the breeze and suddenly we hear over the sound of the crickets, frogs and other nightly little woodland creatures, a scream. We both just sat sill, afraid to move and didn’t have a clue what to do. I remember it well. It sounded like a woman screaming, similar to what you would hear in some late-night horror movie. Almost a hint of crying could be heard mixed into the screams. Slowly we closed the window and pulled the curtain shut.

           We didn’t want to wake dad, figuring he’d get upset. The screaming didn’t seem to last long at all but we weren’t going to open the curtains or window to really find out. We imagined all kinds of things ranging from a ghost to a Zombie looking for a victim in the night. Or, a Victim being chased in the night. Either way that curtain and window stayed shut! We told mom about it the next day and she didn’t seem to really believe it and told us were wrong for not waking dad, what if someone needed help? She was right. I’ll always wonder what happened that night in the woods. Continuing the fast-forward childhood time line, when I continue with the next blog, it will be getting into my school years. If at any time through any of this someone would like a fuller detail of an event or description, please feel free to ask. Hmm, this really COULD become a cool book when I get done, or at least caught up to present day.



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Facebook :: Harold Krueger

Instagram :: MonteP90X


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Just WHY!?


        Been a while since I did a blog and it’s probably cuz no one reads it. OK, OK, there is one person that say they read it but when its only one, no matter how awesome that person is, it just doesn’t carry a lot of positive energy to keep it going. Know what I mean? Anyway, I just wanted to go off a little here about a little thing called Facebook! I recently posted an event that took place in my life that would change my life big time forever. I was so proud and excited. Only two people out of the 74 that are on my friends list, commented. I keep hearing from my “Friends” all about the thousands of people every day that see my Facebook page that I don’t even know. I call bullshit!!! I cannot believe that out of thousands of people not even 1 of them ever have anything to say at all. Oh, I’ve been told the reason they don’t comment is because my posts are too boring, too all about myself, not informative enough, not asking how everyone else doing and how can I help them to be better or feel better.

       Well La De FFFF Da!!! Law of human nature dictates Comments WILL Happen! Good, Bad, Nasty, but they will happen. People cannot keep their mouth shut, or in this case, their typing to themselves. And, the same people telling me how boring and dull my postings are and not informative enough and always about what I’M doing…. Post the same crap they tell me I’m doing wrong. I constantly see posts from others that are all about them, no one else, just them and they went  ……or what they did….. and so on. I’m at the point of just shutting down my Facebook page and start over. There are too many two faced holy rolling better than thou people on there.  But if I do that, they win. So, I went through and looked at all the “Friends” I have on there and pretended I just deleted them. Know what I had left? I had less than a dozen “Friends” still on there.

        One of the big reason I believe most of the “Friends” on my page are full of crap is because over on Instagram, they love me! I get likes all the time and new followers every day and so on. I’m spending so much time there now I probably should get rid of Facebook, but I want to reach out to as many people as I can. I did it all wrong from the start with Facebook and never really set up what my brand is. If I do that though it won’t help my fitness biz at all. I mean, bikers ,,,, how may Fit Bikers do you know of? Fitness is the LAST thing on their minds. OK so, Being a Grandpa! Yeah,,,,, Grandpa’s don’t usually workout at all either. Hmm, Fit Grandpas? That too didn’t work. So, what else? What’s the secret to getting yourself seen via Facebook. Now what I have found in my life is that no matter what I’m talking about or interested in there’s always that person or persons that must, for some God only knows reason, must prove me wrong and or contradict what I’m saying. I’ve actually had people go out of their way to prove me wrong or make me look stupid. Hmm, That would be my super power then ,,,,  To bring out the know it all’s and gang up on me.

        I’m just stating the truth here, no pity party intended. Passing my ISSA Exam and becoming a full, Nationally recognized, Certified Fitness Trainer is the turning point of my life and things will change now. I look forward to the adventure and I hope that one day I will find some like minded people and have an actual life instead of the negative filled one I’ve had all these years. It’s time to PURGE! Purge my life, my ideas, my dreams, My Entire Being! So, anyone out there??? Anyone reading this??? Anyone wanna join me?


Remember to drop me line with any questions, ideas, or if you need help with anything. Also, if you would like to help people like I do, let me know and let’s talk. I’m always looking to build my team!

E-mail :: 

Facebook :: Harold Krueger

Instagram :: MonteP90X


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A Waste of Time or A Waste of Life


        How does one measure the amount of time wasted and if it is only time or life that’s wasted. Is it measured in seconds, minutes, days, weeks, months, years, before it counts? We are told by many to not look at what we don’t have or all the things we dreamed of that we have not yet achieved and instead look at what all we do have and have achieved. Make a list, you are told, even if there’s only 2 or 3 things on it. The list will grow quickly as you keep thinking. So, what do we list right off as the usual things people say…???… I have my health, I woke up this morning. The real list should not have any of these type of things listed to include,,,, I have wonderful children, a wife, a home, a job….No, that’s common place and anyone can say it. What gives a person worth is the inner feeling of accomplishment that is unique unto them. This is where the true issue is found. The true worth, the true feeling of being alive and productive. Books have been written and people have given webinars and live talks over and over again every day about this very thing. Why should we be told this so many times? It’s because it’s not being told correctly to the full extent.

              The talkers and book writers want to make sure you feel accomplished no matter what and feel better about yourself right away. Makes them look good. Thus, the list can contain anything you think of. It’s like the magic pill for weight loss. When dealing with our lives it should be done with heart and great thought. With an age of everything being either bad for you or outdated and needs to be upgraded, it’s no wonder so many doubt themselves so much. Being smart 30 years ago is being not so smart today. Are you dumb? Hell No! If that were true, just because you don’t know what some young person knows then in turn that young person is dumb cuz they don’t know what you know. Here is where the doors start to open and show your self-worth. This is where you start to look and see what all you have accomplished, given, helped or changed during your life. It’s easy to get caught up in the stress of all the garbage being thrown at you day after day until you start doubting in yourself as a human being.

Lets re look now at that list of things that make you who you are and why you are and asset and not just an ass. Now, it’s not just, Well, I have a wonderful child…No, it’s I have a child that depends on me for their ability to achieve and live. Or I have an awesome pet…. No, you have an animal that lives only because you care enough for it’s life to feed, protect and be part of your family. You are a care giver, unique unto yourself. A person that cares about the lives around them, That’s awesome! It gives a person that feeling of worth and accomplishment. How about … I Achieved my training to become a Professional ..(fill in the blank).  Let your mind wander and your heart guide it now as you find so much more of who you are in a positive way. You do a lot of things now because it’s what other people expect or deem to be the right thing to do. According to whom? Not doing what you desire is denying yourself more inner worth and self-accomplishment. Just always remember …. It is in what you do in your deeds and not in what you have or in your needs that make you who you are. That simple little rule of life is what can make the negative no longer rule your life but instead to let the positive take over your life.


Remember to drop me line with any questions, ideas, or if you need help with anything. Also, if you would like to help people like I do, let me know and let’s talk. I’m always looking to build my team!

E-mail :: 

Facebook :: Harold Krueger

Instagram :: MonteP90X


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I Should Write A Book !


  I was reading a really good book the other day called “The Compound Effect” As I read it I found that my life has been this book. I even had my own compound effect going on. The compound effect is all about baby steps really. It talks about how little things, long term, can really add up to good stuff. And yes, sometimes it also adds up to some not so good stuff. Let’s not be negative though and think about the positive part of it all. A good example of this effect long term is one of my favorite little things I experienced with my kids while they were growing up. My kids always seemed to have great questions of curiosity. What I was asked was why I always stop to pick up a single penny, it’s not worth much at all. I then asked them what they would pick up. I was told nothing less than a dime.

       I thought for a moment and told them to play a little game with me on this and I’ll bet they will answer their own question. I told them I would pick up any and all change I saw but they could only pick up a dime or higher. They quickly agreed and 30 days later they came to me with their findings of great wealth. A total of $1.25. I said OK, now, let’s talk about this. You over looked the little things going just for the big payoff. I on the other hand took the time to collect even the little things that add up. I then showed them that I had collected $3.75, more than twice their take.  Their little eyes rolled back as they tried to wrap their little brains around this. I then explained that yes, a single penny isn’t much, but after you get a few then it’s like a nickel, then a dime and so on.  There are a lot more pennies laying around than dimes. I didn’t wait for the payoff to roll in, I created my own payoff a little at a time.

       “But that takes so long to do, collecting little things and waiting for it to add up. It took you days to get 10 pennies and I found a dime on the second day.” I was told. I just shook my head a little and told them to really think first. Was it a long time for me to get this? Was it not the same time period you had and all you came up with less than half of my take? Sometimes it only seems like a long time because your mind is looking only at the horizon and not all the cool stuff along the way that made that horizon look so good. It’s the little things that make the picture of our future bright. If we always wait for that big break or special find, we’ll miss so much out of life. Our future may still be awesome but to what level? The old saying about stopping to smell the flowers is a very good thing to incorporate into your life. Do you want your life to read like one of those 1-page free handouts you get at any street corner, or a full on 300 pages plus Novel? With movie rights! LOL! Like I said before and the words just keep coming back,,, The Choice is Yours! Life IS Choice and choice is life. You choose what to do and do what you choose, let the little things in and stop thinking it’s a waste of time. Those little things DO Add Up!


Remember to drop me line with any questions, ideas, or if you need help with anything. Also, if you would like to help people like I do, let me know and let’s talk. I’m always looking to build my team!

E-mail :: 

Facebook :: Harold Krueger

Instagram :: MonteP90X



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Do As You Will


   I decided a few months ago to come up with a workout that is Upper Body Only. The only reason you need your legs for this one is to go over and get the weight you want to use and either stand or sit to do the workout. I have found the majority of workouts, no matter what they claim, are always in some manner using your legs. There’s either Squats with weights or lunges, or both. Well, sorry to say, my knees have seen way better days. In fact, the right knee has already been replaced and the left knee now is just waiting for the money to be saved up so it too can be replaced. I asked around to see if anyone wanted to join in and be in the video with me. Making it a little more fun when people watch and try it. What I quickly learned is the groups I was in would not allow me to post that offer, telling me is was soliciting and that would not be tolerated. OK fine! I kept at it anyway and I have a really good 30-minute upper body only workout all set up and designed.

        I don’t want to make money off it or anything I just want to help others in the same boat as I am. Still, I could not get any interest on the idea from anyone. I know there are others like me that would like to do this one. So, I’m still not giving up, I’m just doing it on my own. I have the music picked out and the script mostly written. I could use a good video person to help me out, but, I can’t post anyplace to ask for that. Since there’s no money involved for me on this I cannot pay some to help. THAT seems to be a big negative to get any involvement from others on this. But that’s OK, I’ll keep going. I seem to get a lot of questions about it though, like, what scientific study or back up do you have to substantiate your claim that this will work? Wait, why so deep and skeptical? Or I get asked, there are other workouts on You tube for upper body, why should I do yours? I tell them they probably shouldn’t since they need to ask.

        Too many people want the quick fix in life and before they start, they want to have an idea of how they can sue me or something if they don’t get in shape from this. It’s like any other workout, if you DO IT you WILL get results. Really, all I’m saying to people is that it worked for me so give it a try and see if it works for you. There’s NO MONEY involved to try it, so why look for a recourse on it? Come on people, get with the program of life and stop looking for the angles and payback effect, just enjoy. Do as you will and not because someone said to. Problem is no one takes things at face value anymore. People always have to find the angle and if they can’t, they invent one. The CYA club doesn’t need to be a way of life for everything. So even though I get told I’m infringing on this or that and someone else already came up with one and be careful what you wear so no one thinks you’re “Representing” It’s toooooo much people, relax, enjoy, don’t read into everything, not everything has an angle to it. Do something or not, just Do As You Will. Life is so much easier that way. Stress is just Mess, who needs that?


Remember to drop me line with any questions, ideas, or if you need help with anything. Also, if you would like to help people like I do, let me know and let’s talk. I’m always looking to build my team!

E-mail :: 

Facebook :: Harold Krueger

Instagram :: MonteP90X



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Vegan Time!?

Needed to side step just a little and speak out about nutrition a little bit. 

        OK so I just had to say a few words about being Vegan. I’ve heard all kinds of pros and cons and yet not one is 100% proof to be or not to be vegan. I’ve even heard all about how “Doctors say the human body was never meant to eat meat in the first place!” Well then why do we have the teeth for it instead of the ones like herbivores that are all flat, no points for tarring meat? And why then are animal so dang tasty!? LOL!  I’m sure someone will read this one day and think me to be a complete uncaring person towards animals. Well let me say this, a vegan claims there is no reason to kill a living animal to eat. Saying things like “How would you like if someone ate your spouse or children?” There’s always the extremist on any matter. Fact is, even plants are a living thing, so a Vegan is still killing something to survive.

    I started to think about this when I saw a remark on FB about a person that had headaches all the time, tired and sleepy, ached everywhere, Until,,,,, they turned to be a Vegan and now they have no headaches, no stress, not overweight or tired and all with out killing some poor little animal. The responses on that were to die for laughing, but so true. Some of them were “Dear Vegetarians, If you love animals so much and don’t want to see them die, Please stop eating all their food! Thank-you! “ and “I don’t understand vegans at all, if you don’t like meat or won’t eat meat then WHY are you making Non-meat products Look and Sound like meat!?”  and “Vegan is fine if that’s your thing. See how I accepted your lifestyle choice? Now show us the same courtesy and let us meat eaters eat our meat! Thank-you!”  These are all actual responses. I had a good laugh and a few remarks of my own. Meat was, is and always will be something the human body was ment to have.

     Carnivores have even been accredited to placing certain animals on the endangered list. Yeah, we did all it all by ourselves. All the wild animals out there chasing down and eating their prey had nothing to with it. And what about Dinosaurs? Did we eat them all!? I sure could go for a good Brontoburger or maybe some fried Tridactyl. LOL! Wait, a nice thick Stegosaurus Steak! Mmmmm Good! I’ve worked up an appetite now so I’m going to go kill, I mean get something for dinner. In closing, please remember the famous words once said by a die hard true Vegan, “There is NO reason to go hunting and kill an animal to eat. Just go to the store and pick up something at the butcher’s market!” Umm, do they know where that meat came from? LOL! Bon Appetit!



Remember to drop me line with any questions, ideas, or if you need help with anything. Also, if you would like to help people like I do, let me know and let’s talk. I’m always looking to build my team!

E-mail ::  

Facebook :: Harold Krueger

Instagram :: MonteP90X



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History IS the Teacher

    I was going through some old stuff laying around in a bin on my computer table at home and came across a few flash drives that I wasn’t even sure what was on them. The first one was blank, so were the next two. The last one though had some interesting things on it. I guess the name flash drive was perfect since it was a Flash from the past. My past life in bits and pieces of when I was an HISD drone. Looking over the write ups and mass confusion of directives and rules and so on did not turn out the be the downer I thought was going to happened. The more I read the more I realized how wrong I was for being upset about it all when it happened. If I had just played the puppet and went along with all the garbage they tried to feed me, I would not have ended up getting let go of.

      I know, everyone always says they are innocent and the write up is stupid and ridicules. OK, you be the judge on this one example. There are many to choose from but this one really shows the level of “WTF” that I dealt with on a daily basis in that dept. It was during the storm “IKE” and we were all on a 12 hour 7 days a week schedule to get the schools back up and running. I was asked to head up a team on Saturday and I said OK fine. I then asked the parts person if he was working Saturday cuz I need some stuff and then I will know to get it all on Friday and store it in my truck over night or just pick it all up Saturday. He wasn’t sure and said he’d get back to me. 20 minutes later my stupidvisor , I mean supervisor, called me over and said I was suspended for 3 days. He would not tell me why, only that I would find out upon my return now go home and think about what you did. I walked way thinking…”Think about,,,????….. That I did??”

     Have you figured it out yet? Well upon my return and the meeting to go over what it was I did, I learned that I was suspended for ….Drum Roll >>>>> Impersonating a Supervisor! By doing this I created a hostile work environment. Confusion among my peers as to whom is in charge, and a total lack of respect to my actual supervisor by acting in a complete unprofessional manor with disregard to policy! Yes, my head was spinning too, thinking Whaaaaaat!? They then added to clarify their charges that ONLY a Supervisor can question an employee’s schedule. By asking that person if they were working was a direct violation of that policy. Their continued talking to try and convince me of my wrong doing went on for about 30 minutes. It was really quite funny when I think about it now. The word play was amazing! So, tell me, was I wrong and needed to be suspended!? I have many write ups I can talk about but perhaps later. If you’d like to hear more on “As the HISD turns” Just ask and I’ll tell ya! 

     For now, I just want to point that we don’t always have the answers to the reason for something being done and so what do we do? We get upset, angry, lash back, mad,,,, the list goes on. Instead, sometimes it’s better to just roll with it and deal with more pressing issues. Take what is thrown at you and GROW with it instead of wasting time being negative. Remember ,, Listen and Learn NOT Spout off and Burn!


Remember to drop me line with any questions, ideas, or if you need help with anything. Also, if you would like to help people like I do, let me know and let’s talk. I’m always looking to build my team!

E-mail :: 

Facebook :: Harold Krueger

Instagram :: MonteP90X



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A Single Word Misunderstood!


         So, let’s talk for a moment on a single word. One we use pretty much every day of our lives. Some take it as a stumbling block, others, a challenge. Either way this word is used and misused all the time. What’s the word you ask? Its “Impossible” It scares people, makes some angry, some take it as a defeat without even trying. This is probably the number one word used throughout history to justify NOT doing something. Lucky there were some that took it as a challenge and worked right through it, not letting it be the end to their vision. I say, the word is really 2 words in one and should be looked at it in that way.

        My Son once said to me he was going to get a shirt that said, “Nothing is Impossible, I just haven’t tried it yet!” Taking that into consideration, have you figured out what the 2 words are? It’s simple really, break off the first two letters of the word and you have Im Possible or I’m Possible. Now it doesn’t seem so scary of a word at all, that will cause you to stop something simply cuz someone told you it’s Impossible. There really isn’t anything Impossible as I see it. There’s only the limits one places upon themselves. And yes, of course there are the Extremist out there that will say something real intelligent like “What if a person has no legs at all because of an accident or something? They couldn’t just get up and run anyway without legs! So, it IS Impossible then for them to get up and run no matter how much they WANT too!” Well think about it. The answer is still YES, it’s NOT Impossible. Running is only the ability to move fast on your own. I’ve seen people get some pretty good speed using their hands. OK OK , same Person ,,, “what if they lost their arms too? Huh!? Then what?” I still say the same thing, It’s NOT Impossible when adding one word, Robotics.

        Anything can be “What IF” to death. What my Dad always liked to say when he heard the IF word was, “Yeah? Well what IF a Bullfrog had wings? He wouldn’t bump his ass on the ground!” I always loved that saying.  OK OK I’ll let the “IF” go for now. I’m sure you get my point. Don’t let people say you can’t do something cuz they feel it’s impossible. It’s only impossible to them and so if you do it, they will look bad and probably feel stupid. Most people don’t want to be out done so they pull out that word and use it like a sword to cut you down. Through time I’ll be talking about this word again along with others that keep a person’s mind spinning. I think a good topic for next time would be “Defeatist Attitude” It’s not a real thing it’s all in your mind.

         I believe we all are in a tunnel that we create, knowingly or not. Those who stick to the journey will one day leave that tunnel and live the life meant for them. Too bad so many get so used to the dark, they just stay there, feeling it safer that way. It’s like being a child, forever. Remember when you laid there in your bed at night, all curled up with covers, barley peeking out, feeling safe that way. You see the light in the next room but too afraid to get out and walk over. I want to help people get out of their tunnel and be who they should be and live the way life was meant to be lived. God didn’t put us here to live individually, we are put here to live together and help each other to become what we should become. Not live in that Dark tunnel but live in the light that he has provided. Oh, I still have a lot to learn but I’ve gotten far enough now that I can see what’s ahead and I’m loving it! Remember, this journey I speak of to get out of the tunnel is NOT Impossible.


Remember to drop me line with any questions, ideas, or if you need help with anything. Also, if you would like to help people like I do, let me know and let’s talk. I’m always looking to build my team!

E-mail :: 

Facebook :: Harold Krueger

Instagram :: MonteP90X



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Being A Leader



        So now some ramblings on from an old guy about leadership. When being a leader you must show that you are also just like they are, not better, but the same. Basically, treat them the way you would want to be treated.  In Beachbody, a person can get to Diamond level, but, does that make them a leader? Nope, it only means they know how to talk to people and get them to sign up. This type of advancement usually doesn’t last long nor allow for that person to really be all they can be and truly help those that want it. A lot of people can bark out orders and get others to submit but a true leader has a team that is like family.  It sort of takes away from being a diamond.

         The saying that 20% will do 80% of the business in your team is so true. Studies have shown that when an idea or plan is showed to 100 people, at least 6 of them will take it and run with it like crazy. A leader can spot those and tune into them, being there for whatever they need. A leader thinks of the team first and themselves second. A true leader will never be heard saying do as I say and not as I do. You should always set by example, never asking your team do more than you are will do yourself.  Organizing is also a big issue as a leader. If you’re not organized chances are you won’t really know what your team is doing, thus, how can you help them grow into leaders themselves? When organized you will always have that edge to see what is happening and direct it in a positive way.

             Another main building block in being a successful team leader is Honesty. Don’t say something just cuz it sounds good or it’s what you feel someone wants to hear. Don’t be afraid to take that step and be open with your statements. Getting to really know your team one on one is ever so important. Making them feel like an individual that you care about will also help them be a team player, helping to set good examples to the others. It’s been proven time after time that If they feel like no one cares about them, odds are they won’t care about anyone either, no team work or development is going happen there. Individuality is what actually causes great groups to form. Sounds like double talk but it is so very true. Be each person feeling like and individual who’s input is genuinely appreciated and developed, the team then as a whole will come together and achieve some really amazing thing. Now, I don’t have ALL the answers, but I do watch and learn and see what works and doesn’t work and always glad to share that with anyone. I’ve gone through many years of trial and error, so I do know firsthand what I’m saying here. Because as a general rule of human nature, would you follow a person who hasn’t a clue of what lies ahead OR would you follow a person who’s been there done that and is proof it works?


Remember to drop me line with any questions, ideas, or if you need help with anything. Also, if you would like to help people like I do, let me know and let’s talk. I’m always looking to build my team!

E-mail :: 

Facebook :: Harold Krueger

Instagram :: MonteP90X



#fitness #Fun #foodporn #journey #workout #Beachbody #coach #Financial #business #Health #healthy #nutrition #shakeology #family #challenge #beast #p90x #MLM #mlm #opportunity #group #beachbodycoach #future #muscle #weightloss #strength #energy #BOD

An Ocean Cruise and Beyond



        Even though the weather was not that great on the cruise with all the rain and high waves, the endless food supply was Awesome to say the least. There were more than 12 different tables of food for breakfast, then lunch and then dinner. OMG I was like in hog heaven with the ALL YOU CAN EAT thing going on. We went to a few ports, Camen Islands, Cosomel area. I did think I was being careful with all my eating and drinking BUT, with no workouts, by the time I got off the ship I now tipped the scale at 286bls! Yes, I started to cry. What did I just do? I’m only 20 pounds from being back at the 310 range. I quickly changed up my nutrition and completed the 21 day Ultimate Reset as soon as I was back at home. No work outs are allowed during this time, so it was perfect for me with my still healing knee. It helped re-set everything like it said it would and I even learned that I now liked some foods I once swore I would never eat! I dropped 30 pounds and four pants sizes during the 21 days. I took more time off from working out after that, and then started a round of Les Mills Pump with a little P90X added in. As time passed, work got harder, more demanding, more negative and twisted. But I used Beachbody as my go to place when things got really bad. I stuck with Shakeology and workouts here and there but only managed to maintain my weight. I didn’t go up, but I wasn’t going down either. I started to get very depressed being stuck in the 270 range.

        I was in a very dark place but didn’t want to admit it. I stopped talking up Beachbody and fitness at work because unfortunately, there were those that didn’t like it. I was told to stop by my stupidvisor…. I mean supervisor. Times had gotten tough there, really tough working there but that’s for another blog. I could write an entire book on the crap they threw at me over the years just because they wanted me gone but had nothing to fire me for really. Like the time I was written up for asking a fellow worker if they were going to be working over the weekend as well, like I was. Next thing I knjow I was sent home, suspened with pay for 3 days (with pay?? Where’s the punishment there?). When I got back for Meeting for the record I was finally told what I did that was soooooooo wrong. Well, HISD said to me at the meeting, are you ready this? They said “You were suspended for impersonating a supervisor! Only a supervisor has the authority to question someone’s schedule! Thus, you created a hostile work environment as well as undermined your actual supervisor, showing a total lack of respect!” Looking back, I DID get 3 days off with pay so was it really a punishment? And there was a lot said at that meeting but like I said earlier, that’s for another blog if anyone wants to know about all that stuff. It’s like I’ve said, they weren’t the brightest department to work for at HISD.  But one day it happened, I ticked off a clerk that always acted like she was the head boss and I wouldn’t bow down to her like the other guys did. I think I’m the only one that didn’t find her attractive at all and the others did. I had been there for over 21 years and she had only been there for 1 year.

       I did not neglect my job duties through all this, but I was lied to and false documents were made to make me look like the worst thing HISD ever hired. How was I to know that clerk and my boss were sleeping around? He was married. I was really close to retirement at this time also, so I was like a double whammy when I was let go. HISD is known for doing this kind of crap. Well, Since I was let go, I had to fight a few demons now and to deal with what I thought was the end, my total failure in life. All that I went through during all those years, to end up this way, No job, No money, No clue! Now, what happened after that day, instead of slipping off into the darkness like most people would have, thinking it to be the end, I saw Beachbody in a whole new light. A whole new journey now presented itself before me and I knew it wasn’t going to be easy. I needed work so I could pay my bills until my Beachbody biz takes over.   


        I realized and knew that God had gotten me into this fitness biz because I need to help People. Not just by what I did at work as a Senor Telecommunication Analyst. I needed to reach out and touch people’s lives. It needs to be for real, it needs to be for them. That job was killing me big time anyway with negativity and stress.  I had total faith that the Lord will show me something else to do so I can make some money while I build a business helping others to achieve their Goals and Dreams through fitness.

        I was never more focused in my life to build this business and help people. Even my wife had noticed things are seeming to be happier happen now with me. People are coming to me and asking questions and wanting to join up with me. The cool thing is, this time around I’m not scared at all, and I’m now like “Oh Yeah, Bring It!” I want to eat better and do my workouts more so that I can actually BE a product of the product. The learning I’m doing now is what I should have done years ago but I let my former job control me. When I go back to work someplace, it will be different. The Journey will not be dark at all. For example, one of the things I’ve noticed now that I have left that negative world and seeing clearer is that the Diamonds and Elite coaches are young, compared to me that is. I need to change that and get some AGE into the mix. I also need to get myself in way better shape cuz the target really is younger than I and if I’m not looking like the way I should look, I’ll go no place. The fit look WILL attract all ages, it always does.  Do you think if Tony wasn’t in the shape he is today that people of all ages would listen to him for even a minute? If I was younger, it would not be that way, I would have no issues with getting a group together and grow my
business. Young attracts young, old is …….. just old. But, if the old is in a good shape, everyone wants to know what your secret is to being in shape and looking younger than your years. So, by getting in the best shape of my life ever, I’ll really be able to tell them,,,,, “Well, this is what you do…….!” Bottom line that I learned is to find the positive in all that happens because it IS there, all the time, no matter what. So what’s next? You’ll have to stay tuned and find out.

Remember to drop me line with any questions, ideas, or if you need help with anything. Also, if you would like to help people like I do, let me know and let’s talk. I’m always looking to build my team!

E-mail :: 

Facebook :: Harold Krueger

Instagram :: MonteP90X



#fitness #Fun #foodporn #journey #workout #Beachbody #coach #Financial #business #Health #healthy #nutrition #shakeology #family #challenge #beast #p90x #MLM #mlm #opportunity #group #beachbodycoach #future #muscle #weightloss #strength #energy #BOD