First Official Blog Post

         Well, I have decided to leave the early stages of this blog for all to see and perhaps get a little laugh. I’m going to start now instead of waiting till I have perfected Blogging Abilities. Waiting is just another word for putting off and putting off is usually due to fear of something new. And Fear is why we make so many excuses as to why something isn’t done! This is the number one thing society does now days and as for me, I’m putting the breaks on! So, let’s start this blog that will be about fitness with this opening Blog.

         As I see it, Fitness isn’t just about physical but also about mental and yes spiritual as well. All 3 areas will be more than just touched on through the days ahead. In a way I’m going blind here writing a blog, but “I will learn as I grow and grow as I learn!” I hope everyone reading my posts will follow and find insight into themselves and create a better life for themselves. After all, that’s what life is all about, Creating a better pathway for yourself. Thus, I want to do all I can to help anyone that is in need and wants to put an end to what they are stuck in and really live the way life was meant to be.

         Feel free to contact me any time with questions or suggestions at[spacer height=”20px”]


Now all I have to do is get cleaned up a bit, perhaps change the theme so it’s easier to see stuff and read. Anyone with a blog right now that want’s to give some advice would be more than welcome to do so. Some of the previous blogs will go away after a bit, or should I keep them for the memory of learning as I go? Next step to figure out?????? Publishing it for the WORLD to see! Gotta build that audience now,,,,, This should be interesting for sure. 

Almost ready to Blog

One More Step To go

[spacer height="20px"]I think the next step is to start seeing what the Blog will be about. I have so many ideas of what I want to say so here's where talking with people will help me see what's wanted. Do I make this a straight up fitness only ?Fitness and nutrition? Perhaps a nightmarish collision of thoughts and random statements jumping from comical to WTF? Hmm, good question. Will it be about my past and how I've learned life lessons BEFORE there was an internet? Do I talk about the present or maybe what I envision my future to be? Perhaps even make it an "Ask Manlanders" thing, LOL! If you watch GH you know what I'm talking about. The thoughts and ideas are endless. Videos are a must to be added here and there, don't ya think? What to do, what to do!? The main thing is I know I'm going to have fun with all this and getting my thoughts and opinions out there and interact with the WORLD! [spacer height="20px"]


side note:: I need to find a way to change up the boarder fonts


[spacer height="20px"]Yes Yes Yes, Looks like I'll soon be on my way to posting Blogs and see if the WORLD is ready for me... MMmmmmuuuwwwaayyyyy!!!![spacer height="20px"]

 Looks promising I hope it works since the other attempt didn’t. This one is added in from my You Tube Channel. 

Blog Title

So the title is important if you want to be able to find a particular Blog to reference something or prove a point or what ever. I see the side bar is needed for that reason. Today I hope to learn how to place a comment section perhaps or at least a way to contact me if you have questions or suggestions. Also I want to learn about pictures and media add ins like video and perhaps special effects as well later on down the road. 

 Lets see if this looks OK once the post is updated. If so then Video will be next as well as manipulating text alignment and wrap around a picture or video.

OK, another day! Another day to play around have fun and learn more about how to set up a Blog!