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What Is It To Fail?
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Sooooo many people on facebook have been posting about if you don't fail you’re not doing what it takes to succeed. And Feeling the need to Purge from within and tell of their failures to feel better about themselves. Also that we should welcome stories from others about failing Because we can learn from them as well, because after all, we can't grow if we don't fail. All this is being stated as "According to what we learned at Summit" So I totally had to say something about tall that,,,,,
I don’t think a lot of people really know what FAILURE is all about. It’s not that you HAVE Fail to be successful but that Failure DOES happen and when it does we should be OK with it and learn so we can be better. So when someone says "If you don't Fail you are not doing what it takes to Succeed" That is totally an un-true statement. For example: Tony Horton came up with and Beachbody launched P90X. Did it Fail right off? No, it was a HUGE Success right out of the gate. Another Example: Changing my first ever water pump on my car when I was a lot younger. I paid attention to how everything came off and then replaced the old part with a new one, put it all back together in reverse of how I took it all off. Started up the car and it ran like new. No Leaks, no overheating, no parts left over (gee what was this bolt for again? LOL!) it was a Success not a failure, First time. So, without failing first, these two things WERE done successfully. But as I already stated, the way some are looking at it, as I have read on facebook, "If you don’t fail you can’t Succeed". Hmm, that would mean, P90X and my water pump change out should NOT be looked at as a success at all. Why, because the statement made was "If you don't Fail you are not doing what it takes to Succeed". A person does not have to fail first. That just doesn't make sense on any level.
If you set out to and look forward to Failure so you can succeed, you will never succeed. You have already given in to the fact and hope that what you are doing won’t work. So really, why bother then, because at what point WOULD you think “This is it! I got this!”? If when you do something you expect it fail? Nothing you do STARTS as a Failure. It starts as a Success because your mind already sees what you are going for. It’s the end result that sometimes throws us a curve ball and we must try again cuz it failed. Now if you don’t even try something then you didn't really fail, you did nothing to fail at. You also didn’t succeed because you did nothing to succeed at. So, you did, Nothing! And actually that’s worse than failing. Take doing a workout for example, if you start but not finish then you failed doing it. But if you never even tried to do the workout then you didn't fail, or succeed, you did nothing. However, if you promised to do the workout but didn't, then you failed. This is because you set the task of doing the workout and didn't. So you actually failed the task, but not the workout. Confused? Well, basically then, a failure is when a person doesn't follow through on something they stated they would do or what they did try didn't work out the way it was intended. But no one sets out in hopes to fail!
Throughout history people have looked at failure as a thing of shame and embarrassment. The Wright Brothers were look at as being an embarrassment and people laughed at them. But they knew, even then, that failure meant simply “Let’s take what was learned and try again.” They certainly were not looking forward to failing. That’s the concept that should be looked at today. Like the Wright Brothers, if you fail, that’s OK, just try again from what you learned. After all what IS Fail, F. A. I. L.? It could really mean, “From All I Learned”. So take ALL you learned and from that you will Succeed.
Keeping this in mind, take another look at that word again, F A I L and remember what you learned about it. You changed that failure to a success because you learned for it. Since the letter F is considered a failing grade and you now have a success, let’s add the S in place of the F in fail. Now you have, SAIL, as in smooth sailing, its all good, you did it, and you’re on your way. So now the word could mean, “Success As ILearned”.
Also, as there is no shame in failing, there is no shame in not running to tell everyone openly that you failed at something. If asked, don’t be afraid to say how it went but to feel like you NEED to tell it all and purge from within to feel better, you’re not getting the point of how to handle failure. It isn't any great Catharsis or inner growth for well being by “Coming Clean” as some people put it. Openly admitting that you failed at something you tried doesn’t really prove your point that you are just a regular person, doing things like everyone else and you’re not perfect. In fact, if you have to point that out, then you actually do see yourself as above others but don’t want them to see you that way in hopes to make them feel better about themselves. There really is no Person above another in life; Everyone is AMAZING in their own way. A person confessing their failures in hopes to achieve that, sounds kind of fake. Example: Does a person go around stating they are a Man or Woman or that they have Bones and Blood in their bodies to prove they are like everyone else? No, no one does that. So why point out or make it a goal to feel you have to come clean and tell all about your every move to prove you are like everyone else? People already know what type of person you are no matter what you may proclaim. Everyone has their Haters and Likers, both will make you a better person if you look at it with an open mind. In closing, just Remember the Beachbody MOTTO::: Decide ~ Commit ~ Succeed !!!! It Doesn't say Fail
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